Serve communities in middle of income market

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133519738

For this discussion, assume the role of CEO of one of the following hypothetical companies:

All America Grocery Inc. We serve communities in the middle of the income market, providing low prices for all basic grocery needs. Our modest-income consumers expect good deals on good quality foods. The Covid-19 pandemic has put upward pressure on the price of everything we sell. Cost-push inflation from multiple sources is impacting our operating costs and our cost of goods. We are both fortunate and unfortunate that the price elasticity of demand for food is .20.

Very Big US Auto. Very Big US Auto is one of the oldest and largest manufacturers of autos in the United States. Very Big US Auto has an international supply chain and is highly dependent on components manufactured abroad and assembled in the United States. Costs are rising in all aspects of production across the industry. Very Big US Auto is seeing inflationary pressure in everything we use: labor, materials, components, and computer chips. On the demand side, Very Big US Auto knows that demand is relatively elastic, with a price elasticity of demand of 1.2. But we also know that the pandemic has made some transportation substitutes less acceptable.

Big Time Entertainment. Big Time Entertainment is a nationwide firm providing movies, concerts, arcades, and other in-person entertainment venues such as bowling and roller skating. Our operations have been heavily impacted during the Covid-19 pandemic, including continuing limits on the number of guests and new costs associated with safety measures for both staff and customers. We are now reopening but facing continued cost-push inflation. We also face uncertainty as to the potential for additional shutdowns. Customers are fearful, and the guidance on operating our facilities means we are operating far below our optimal number of patrons to cover the higher cost of everything. The price elasticity of demand is 1.6, and we are also faced with competition from online entertainment and gaming, which are not experiencing many of these cost pressures.

Think back to our formula on the percent contribution margin to look at how profits might be effected. Remember (P-AVC)/P?

Reference no: EM133519738

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