Sensor fusion for autonomous vehicles

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM133271824

Question: Topic "sensor fusion for autonomous vehicles". The idea is to fuse GPS, IMU and 5G sensors using Kalman filter or any other approach for an autonomous vehicle. The research is still ongoing and I want coding help throughout the research.

Coding is on Matlab with Simulink and coding will be simpler but will have various things to do every week. So, My first task for the next week is to simulate a sensor fusion model using GPS and IMU sensor on matlab.

The idea for this task is that we have a straight road having 2 right turns and we need to simulate a sensor fusion model to check the location of the car if it is taking the first turn.

Then we try to manipulate the sensor values and try to take the second turn. There is no restriction to anything but we need to check if this works. Also, We don"t have to do something complicated. Even if we can show this is possible on simple graphs it is enough.

Reference no: EM133271824

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