Sense of humor

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Reference no: EM133486077

1. The psychology department is interested in determining if giving more exams helps students stay on top of material. They randomly assign 3 sections of PSYCH 100 to complete 8 exams per semester, and the remaining 3 sections complete the standard 4 exams per semester. After final grades are submitted, they compare grades across these two groups. In this scenario, what part of the experiment is represented by final grades?

Interest variable

Dependent variable

Extraneous variable

Independent variable

2. Suppose that you conducted a correlational study to determine that a student's "sense of humor" is negatively associated with sitting in the back of the class. From this information, we can conclude that...

sense of humor is related to seating choice.

sitting in the back of the class cause people to have a good sense of humor.

there is no relationship between humor and seating choice.

having a good sense of humor causes people to sit in the front of the class.

3. James suffered a head injury after he was in an accident while riding his bike. He finds that making simple decisions, like what to eat for lunch, are now almost an impossible task. He also finds he is more irritable than he was before sustaining the injury. A doctor would suspect injury to the _________ lobe.





4. When you were headed up to the front of the class to deliver your final presentation, you noticed that your breathing was a little faster than normal, your heartbeat had increased, your palms were a bit sweaty, and your hands were trembling just a little. Upon completion of your presentation, your body will return to its normal state by way of the __________ nervous system. Your pre-presentation jitters were triggered by the __________ nervous system.

parasympathetic; sympathetic

somatic; autonomic

sympathetic; parasympathetic

autonomic; somatic

5. You are walking down an empty street and pass a bakery. The smell of freshly-baked bread is in the air. The activation of smell receptors in your nose are collecting raw data of this experience, or ___________.





Reference no: EM133486077

Questions Cloud

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Sense of humor : you conducted a correlational study to determine that a student's "sense of humor" is negatively associated with sitting in the back of the class.
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How each contributes to a successful marketing strategy : There is no question the influence of technology in how businesses market to their customers and the customer's expectations with a brand.


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