Senior citizen bank account in fsibl

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131147698

Write a project report on the given topic "Senior citizen bank account in fsibl"

The report attempted to highlight the prospects and opportunities of banking sector in Bangladesh. Like other economic sector in the country, banking is one of major sectors which contribute to the nation economy. The report tried to furnish the overview of the performances of banking sector and also find out the comparison among the various categories of banks with respect to the profitability.

Finally, the report tried to establish the linear relationship among the various variables and net profit of the banking sector.
The banking sector of Bangladesh comprises of four categories of scheduled banks. These are Nationalized Commercial Banks (NCBs), Government owned Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), Private Commercial Banks (PCBs) and Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs). The number of banks remained unchanged at 55 in 2013. These banks had a total number of 6562 branches

Address the each Criteria of the assignment

Table of Content

  • Executive Summary. 
  • Table of Contents. 
  • Introduction. 
  • Background of the study. 
  • Research Aim.. 
  • Conceptual Framework. 
  • Research Background. 
  • Background of the Bank.
  • Mission Statement of the Bank.
  • Banking Strategies of FSIBL.. 
  • SWOT Analysis of FSIBL.. 
  • Research Objectives. 
  • Research Question.
  • Literature Review..
  • Expansion of Senior Citizen Customers of the bank. 
  • Problem of Senior Citizen Customers of Banking Sector of Bangladesh.
  • Possibilities of the Banking Sector of Bangladesh with more facilities to the Senior Citizens.
  • Performance Evaluation of Senior Citizenship Banking of Bangladesh.
  • Bad Debts and Senior Citizen Customers of Bangladesh.
  • Research Methodology.
  • Introduction.
  • Quantitative Research Methods. 
  • Limitations of Quantitative Research Methods. 
  • Research Approach of this research study. 
  • Hypothesis Formation. 
  • Paradigm of Inquisition for this study. 
  • Primary Data Collection. 
  • Conclusion. 
  • Research Analysis. 
  • Data Collection. 
  • Research Analysis. 
  • Hypothesis Testing. 
  • Research Findings and Discussion. 
  • Conclusion and Recommendation 

Academic requirements:

• Your work must be submitted as 5500 words.

• Report declaration must be completed.

• Your work should be submitted in the formats outlined for each Criteria in the assignment.

• The entire assignment brief and completed front sheet must accompany your work.

Reference no: EM131147698

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