Sells inexpensive furniture that consumers must assemble

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133531126

MYMEA is a company that sells inexpensive furniture that consumers must assemble. One of their products, the Hiromaj Dining Chairs have an innovative 3 legged concept, instead of the usual 4 legged chair. The marketing materials show people enjoying dinner, leaning back in the chair, lifting the front two legs off the floor. After seeing the advertising, Sloan Sophisticate purchases the kits to assemble 12 chairs for her dining room. Unknown to Sloan, the instructions fail to include a critical step of securing the back, single leg. Sloan follows the given instructions to assemble her chairs and schedules a dinner party for her boss and several important clients. At the dinner party, all of the chairs being to collapse, causing injuries to Sloan and some of the guests. In addition, as he is leaving, Sloan's boss informs her that she is fired from her job as a result of this disastrous evening. Sloan sues MYMEA alleging negligence that caused her to lose her job, as well as the medical expenses she incurred. Please evaluate Sloan's case.

Reference no: EM133531126

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