Self-service approach to service design

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13739921

1. Some may argue that the production-line approach may not treat the process as a service process, but as what type of process?

2. What happens to production efficiency as the customer exerts more influence on the system?

3. Why do many customers like the self-service approach to service design?

4. Permeable systems are characterized by being penetrable by customers via what two forms of contact?

5. Using a project layout for building an aircraft, why would you want to place rivets close to or even in the fuselage?

6. Why is the planning phase often referred to as Phase 0 (Zero) of the generic product development process?

7. What is a company trying to optimize in the most common approach to developing a workcenter layout?

8. According to the Service-System Design Matrix, sales opportunity has what sort of relationship to production efficiency?

9. If an automotive service center has an issue with a car not being clean when returned to a customer, the poka-yoke corrective action might include what?

10. Why would a company want to supply a product to preferred customers during product ramp-up?

11. A service process design flowchart is referred to as a service blueprint to emphasize what?

12. Even though they use different models, both the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Group and Nordstrom Department Stores are known for what?

13. For which key organizational functions are tasks and responsibilities identified for all the steps of the generic product development process?

14. Poka-yoke is a Japanese term for a procedure that blocks an inevitable mistake from becoming what?

15. Which of the following is a good example of a continuous process layout?

Reference no: EM13739921

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