Self-fulfilling prophecy

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Reference no: EM132606969

Discussion : Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

A good friend of yours has just met someone she thinks you would really like; she claims you and this new person have much in common and wants to arrange a lunch meeting. Because you trust your friend's judgment, you agree to lunch. How might your lunch meeting unfold?

You will analyze the effect of self-fulfilling prophecies on education, careers, and relationships.

To Prepare

Think of a time when you expected a new acquaintance to act a particular way.

Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider how self-fulfilling prophecies could affect your own education, career, and relationships.

Post a description of how your expectations might influence your behavior toward a new acquaintance. Explain whether self-fulfilling prophecy made it more likely the new acquaintance would be just the kind of person you had expected him or her to be. Explain the implications of the self-fulfilling prophecy for your own education, career(s), and relationships.

Reference no: EM132606969

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