Self-affirmations and its effect on cognitive dissonance

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Reference no: EM132432666

Section One

A minimum of 100 words each question and References Response (#1 - 6) KEEP RESPONSE WITH ANSWER (allresponse must have a reference)

Make sure the Responses includes the Following:

  • (a) an understanding of the weekly content as supported by a scholarly resource,
  • (b)the provision of a probing question.
  • (c) stay on topic
  • (d) cite all sources with their hyperlinked.

1. While reading this article I kept hearing the commercials. "And if you call now!" The amazing thing is that I knew someone that sadly bought into all the "as seen on TV" products. It seemed like it almost became an addiction for her. It's mind blowing how people and organizations can control our mind by the way the arrange words or pictures. I hope as humans we can use these techniques for good change as well. It would be intresting to have a example where it was used for good.

2. You are that many of these techniques are used in marketing for the purpose of sales. I wonder if we see these techniques used in other professions?

3. Both "that's not all" and "door in the face" techniques are both reason-based approach that use the norm of reciprocity to influence someone to comply (Gilovich, Keltner, Chen, & Nisbett, 2019). The "door in the face" technique or the reciprocal concessions technique uses the norm of reciprocity by asking for a first favor that is large and unreasonable in which the person will refuse but okay's a subsequent smaller request (Gilovich et al., 2019). For example, when someone offers you a vacation package and they use the biggest package first, then offer a smaller more affordable package this is the "the door in the face" technique. The "that's not all" technique uses the norm of reciprocity by adding something to the original offer creating pressure for the person to reciprocate (Gilovich et al., 2019). I have used the "that's not all" technique when asking to trade days by after asking for a 1 for 1 trade, offering to do some of their work that day too.

4. Equality would be amazing wouldn't it? This is a concept I struggle with constantly...not because I don't understand it, but because others don't. Spiritually it's something that comes pretty naturally ( in most cases) because I try my best to give others the same love that was given to me. I know the power of that undeserving love. But God's love is what the enemy wants to keep us from and he's has made his way with hate and division far before we came to be. Therefore, I fear this division will always be one we face. And the only change we can create is within ourselves and possibly our children. Understanding still that small changes can make a difference but, the uncertainty of not being sure we will see it on a global level.

5. Per the reading, minority groups can have a great influence on the majority as long as the minority is consistent in their views. This was seen with the de-segregation of schools in the 1960's or Cesar Chavez's fight for better conditions for farm workers in the 1960's. At first people were with the majority but as these minority groups stays consistent and provided education/positive messages the majority began to see the the views of the minority. The goal of the minority should be to gain the acceptance of the majority through private internalization. As a result of doing this the majority will be able to see the views in a more personal and intimate matter. This will cause for a higher probability of change in the majority.

6. If the majority cared more about the minority then there would not be as much of a need for these human rights groups, to begin with. Unfortunately, this is not the case nor has it ever been the case or reality. We live in a world of conformity and Compliance when identifying. The majority usually follow the majority no matter what minorities have to deal with or go through. As long as, it's not happening to "them" they" will conform to what everyone else thinks. That's why it's more important to have private internalization because it will cause a change in public behavior and private beliefs.

Section TWO

A minimum of 100 words each question and References Response (#1 - 3) KEEP RESPONSE WITH ANSWER

Question 1. Self-affirmations and its effect on cognitive dissonance?

Question 2. How does the media can shape our conception of social reality?

Question 3. Can norm-based approaches be used to curb binge drinking on college campuses? If so how, if not, why not?


Reference no: EM132432666

Questions Cloud

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