Select your product or service offering from the list

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131447644

Part 1 - What is Strategic Marketing

Product Selection:

Ford F-150 pickup trucks

Trucks have been gaining in popularity and this brand is a powerhouse with its evolution reflecting USA culture since 1948. People tend to buy truck brands that reflect their own personality traits. If you don't believe me, just compare the commercials.

Learning Outcomes

1.Creating Value for Customers: Student can demonstrate an understanding of the concept of value creation.

2.The Role of the Customer in the Company's Strategic Planning. Student can assess the company's commit to serving customer needs as evidenced in a company's mission statement.

3.SWOT analysis: Student can conduct a simple SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) of a product or service offering and draw inferences from an analysis of the results.

4.Competitive Analysis: Student can conduct a simple competitive analysis based on criteria important to the customers of the product or service.


•Select your product or service offering from the list in the Writing Assignment Discussion Forum. This list is also in the Syllabus. The same product/service will be used in all of the writing assignments.

•Research your product or service offering through the Internet and UMUC's virtual library (your references will need to be mostly academic sources. See library services if you do not know what an academic source means). Do not limit yourself to searching solely on the product or service name.

Look up the industry it is in ( is a good source for this via the UMUC library) and search on that industry as well. Look up the direct competitors.

Check industry journals and the trade press. Ask your family, friends, coworkers and others what they think about the product and each of the competitors. You may want to visit a retailer to compare the products on the shelves or visit all of the websites. Keep all your research as you will need it for future writing assignments.

•Prepare your assignment beginning with a title page with your name and and the name of your product or service. Then answer each of the following four questions in order and number the beginning of your response to each question. You do not need to repeat the question.

1.Creating Value for Customers. Consider the customers you believe currently use your product or service and the definition of marketing offered in the course content. As we begin our study of marketing, what are your preliminary thoughts as to how you think the company creates value for its customers based on the concepts in this week's readings.

2.Role of the Customer in the Company's Strategic Plan. The readings indicate that the best marketing begins with the customer and that commitment to the customer begins with including the customer in the company's mission statement. Find your company's mission statement.

Repeat it (or attach as an exhibit if it is too long) and comment on its effectiveness in demonstrating the company's commitment to having a customer focus. Could the mission statement have more focus on the customer? How would you recommend it be modified? Is it supported with value statements or other evidence of a customer focus?

3.SWOT analysis. Identify at least one element of each of the SWOT categories (a strength, a weakness, an opportunity, and a threat). Explain your choice using a citation if needed. Then identify possible implications for each of the four elements.

For example, if a strength is a strong national brand name, the implication is that the company may be able to launch other related products under the positive umbrella of the same brand name. Conversely, if a major weakness is the company is carrying a lot of debt, the implication is that the company not be able to achieve significant growth, but may have to consider retrenchment strategies.

4.Competitive Analysis. Identify at least two major competitors or those two products that are trying to sell essentially identical products to the same type of consumer. Then, identify at least three criteria that are important to those consumers when they are making their decision as to which of the three competing offers to buy (e.g. price, specific benefit, service, warranty, convenience, specific feature, etc.).

Make a little chart with the three criteria along the left-hand side and the competitor products (including your own product) across the top.

Rank each of the products on a scale from 1= low to 5= high on each performs on each of the three criteria. Add down each column. Which product ranked highest overall based on the sum of the columns. Then, look at the highest score in each of the criteria boxes. Which products ranked the highest on each of the three criteria?

Was it the same product, was it three different products? What do these results tell you about the competitive environment of your product category. Which product is the leader? Which product is the follower, challenger and nicher if those categories apply? Attach your chart as an exhibit.

General Submission Requirements

•Prepare as a word processed document (such as Microsoft Word). Use Times New Roman 12-point font. Use black ink for majority of your work and only use colors if it enhances your ability to communicate your thoughts.

• Your assignment should be the equivalent of approximately five pages of double-spaced text, approximately 1/2 page for each of the eight questions (four in Part 1 and four in Part 2). You may attach exhibits that will not be counted towards the page count of double-spaced text. The cover page and Bibliography page are not part of the five pages of written analysis.

• Be sure your name, writing assignment number, and the name of your product or service are on the cover page of your writing assignment.

• Include a bibliography, which includes at least four references.

•Use APA style, or any other college-level style guide.

Refer to the grading rubric associated with the assignments. Be sure to note that 20% of your grade on this assignment will be based on your grammar, composition, adherence to the submission requirements, and use of an appropriate college-level style guide for writing and referencing.

Reference no: EM131447644

Questions Cloud

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Why was dick miller important in william hensleys life : Why was Dick Miller important in William Hensleys life and why was there no turning back for Hensley after he decided to go to a Baptist boarding school?
Equilibrium price and the equilibrium quanity : a. Solve for the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quanity. b. Suppose that a tax of T is placed on buyers, so the new demand equatioin is  Qd = 300 - (P +T) Solve for the new equilibrium. What happens to the price received by the sellers, the pr..
Select your product or service offering from the list : Creating Value for Customers: Student can demonstrate an understanding of the concept of value creation. the Role of the Customer in the Company's Strategic Planning. Student can assess the company's commit to serving customer needs as evidenced ..
Aggregate demand could be inflationary : Expansionary fiscal policy increases budget deficit, the resulting increase in aggregate demand could be inflationary.
What outcomes may result from the conclusion of this issue : Where in the legal process the issue is, i.e. is this issue currently in the legal system or is it an issue that may soon be in the legal system and What outcomes may result from the conclusion of this issue
Monopolistically competitive market : In a monopolistically competitive market, the government applies a specific tax $1 per unit of output. What happens to the profit of a typical firm in this market? Does the number of firms in the market rise or fall? Why?
Select one topic and research on topic to make presentation : Presentations: Planning a Presentation, Select one of the following topics. Then research your topic as needed and prepare a brief presentation (5-10 minutes) to be given to your class.


Write a Review

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