Select two to three strategies that the competitors use

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131671808


Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.: Disrupting the Fast-food Business.

You may also use Internet and / or Strayer Learning Resource Center to research articles on your chosen case or company.

Based on the case (Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc.: Disrupting the Fast-food Business), you will perform an industry analysis and develop a strategy for the CEO of your chosen company to help shape the company's future.

Write a three to five page paper in which you:

1. Define strategy and examine how the definition of strategy fits your chosen company and its situation. Support your response.

2. Summarize the main strategies that your chosen company's management took leading up to this company's recent development.

3. Identify your chosen company's industry and determine its main competitors. Next, select two to three strategies that the competitors use, and analyze whether or not the selected strategies are successful. Support your response.

4. Perform an industry analysis for the CEO of your chosen company in order for him / her to develop strategy for the company. Next, evaluate the company's current standing in this industry taking into account the company's resources and capabilities.

5. Propose at least three performance goals for the company for the next one and five year period respectively. Provide a rationale for your response..

6. Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources..

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions..

• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length..

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Demonstrate an understanding of the need for strategy and methods for developing a business strategy within an organization..

• Apply analytical, technical, and research skills to assess and measure the value of organizations.

• Use technology and information resources to research issues related to business strategic management..

• Write clearly and concisely about topics related to business strategic management using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions..

Reference no: EM131671808

Questions Cloud

What are the most common concerns for each race : Helping smokers quit by race. Patten and colleagues (2008) stated that "among nonsmokers who indicated they were close to a smoker.
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In which food group does this food fit into choosemyplate : In which food group does this food fit into ChooseMyPlate. Recall that this is a food group plan that groups foods according to their nutrient content.
Problem related to the convenience of eating : The convenience of eating. Wansink, Painter, and Lee (2006) tested whether visibility and proximity influence consumption of chocolates.
Select two to three strategies that the competitors use : Select two to three strategies that the competitors use, and analyze whether or not the selected strategies are successful. Support your response.
Young child watches her mother make pancakes : A young child watches her mother make pancakes. She wants to please her mother so she pays attention.
Discuss case-social support and stroke-induced aphasia : Social support and stroke-induced aphasia. Hilari and Northcott (2006) used a Social Support Survey (SSS) to gauge how well supported individuals suffering.
Define ethics and explain how ethical behavior relates : Define ethics and explain how ethical behavior relates to behavior governed by law and free choice. 2. Explain the utilitarian, individualism, moral rights
How secondary securities markets help support primary market : Explain how secondary securities markets help support primary markets. What corporation seeking to sell new equity securities to the public for the first time?


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