Reference no: EM132729851
Kali Campbell
Kali is a 17-year-old mixed-race teenager who presents as quiet, agitated, and disengaged.
She has been arrested twice for drug use and possession of marijuana. She is still on probation for her last charge six months ago, when Kali and her girlfriend were caught smoking marijuana at the high school football stadium.
Kali says that she is bisexual and her parents think it is "a stage," but she feels that she loves all people. She says that she is in love with her girlfriend, who is 19 years old.
Kali says she doesn't go to school because it is stupid and she doesn't learn anything. After her girlfriend graduated last year, there is just no reason to attend. She says, "There is nothing my parents or the stupid law can do about it. I am 17! They can't make me go if I don't want to anymore, so mom can just get over it and stop crying about it." Her dad says she left school because she is embarrassed that she is gay and was bullied by the other kids.
When asked what her future plans are, Kali says, "I'm just waiting to turn 18 so I can get out of this stupid place with my girlfriend, because we are going get as far away from here as we can." Kali reports no desire to find a job or obtain her GED. She says she may go to school later to become a hairdresser, but only if she has to.
Kali has violated her probation by testing positive for marijuana. During her intake, she said, "Drug laws are so stupid. It's a natural plant! And why does it matter if I am 17 or 21?" Kali says smoking marijuana helps her to stay calm, reduces her anxiety, and helps her deal with her parents' constant arguing. "Well, if you can call it that," she says. "Mom yells and dad just sits there and takes it, I don't know why."
Joe says, "Kali is a beautiful kid, but she takes after her mom - which sucks, because she won't amount to anything."
"I don't know what to do with her now that she likes girls," Karen says. "It's so embarrassing that she keeps getting in trouble with this girl, but I know it will pass. It's just hard to watch her make these bad decisions. I don't know what the big deal about marijuana is, it's not like we didn't drink when we were her age. Why does the law have to get involved? If it keeps her calm, what's the problem?"
"I think Kali is depressed but she won't talk about it," Joe says. She told me once, "I'm not a mess like mom! If I was depressed I would be like her, a stupid mess who does nothing but drink and sleep. I am nothing like her."
Kali has never had an official diagnosis, but was referred to counseling for depression by her school counselor as well as her probation officer.
Question 1 Identifying Information
This section should describe pertinent information about the client. Please refer to the Campbell Family Case Study and identify a family member for whom you are going to provide a treatment plan. Provide a summary of this client's demographic information. Explain why you chose this individual.
Question 2 Present Problem
Identify your chosen client's primary problem(s), the factors that led the client to seek treatment, and whether or not he or she is a voluntary client or being compelled to treatment by another person or outside agency. Briefly describe these factors in paragraph form.
Question 3 Other Assessments
Describe the process you will use to complete a clinical assessment for this client, including any other assessments that you feel are pertinent. Provide a rationale for each of your choices, including any concerns with the relevance and biases of potential assessment tools with multicultural populations. If you plan to refer your client to another mental health professional for all or parts of the assessment, identify who that will be and what you will ask that professional to assess.
Question 4 Short Term Goals
Using the Problem Identification and Goal Setting Template that you completed for this client, identify 2-3 short-term goals that you have developed in cooperation with your client.
Question 5 Long Term Goals
Using the Problem Identification and Goal Setting Template that you completed for this client, identify 2-3 long-term goals that you have developed in cooperation with your client.
Question 6 Treatment Plan Interventions Annotated Bibliography
Based on the case study information, devise an intervention plan, using leadership skills and technology (for example, cognitive therapy, narrative, solution-focused, and other techniques). Based on your diagnostic impression, develop an annotated bibliography of resources, describing possible interventions or therapeutic theories for the client. You should describe each source in your own words, not simply use the provided abstract. Use at least five current articles from peer-reviewed journals in the counseling or related professions from the Capella Library. Cite and reference the resources using APA 6th edition guidelines. You may use your textbook, but it cannot count as one of your five scholarly resources. You may use more than five resources if they aid in developing a comprehensive treatment plan.
Question 7 Treatment Plan Intervention
Based on the identified interventions in your annotated bibliography, identify the intervention method or therapeutic theory you believe is most applicable to your client. Explain why you chose this intervention and how you would apply it in at least two paragraphs. Finally, describe how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention plan.
Question 8 Leadership Skills
Select the leadership skill that you believe would work best with the identified problem. Discuss how you would apply this leadership skill during your clinical intervention.
Question 9 Communication with Other Professionals
Using a systems-based theory, identify other professionals you anticipate will be involved in care for this client at multiple levels of care, including meso- and macro-level interventions. Explain how you will arrange for communication with these professionals, and what you are likely to communicate to each of them. Identify the kind of information you will need from each sour
Question 10 - Legal, Ethical and Other Considerations
Identify and discuss any ethical and legal ramifications that relate to the treatment you are considering. Be sure to indicate whether the ramification is ethical or legal, and cite the specific ethical standards or laws that will guide your decisions. Explain how you will address these.