Select a sample of creditors from year-end creditors ledger

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13503829

Question 1

Case Scenario
You are currently planning the audit of RC Pty Ltd. You have calculated the following ratios in order to assist you in identifying potential audit risk areas:


Unaudited 30/6/X4

Audited 30/6/X3

Industry average

Cost of goods sold/sales (%)




Operating expenses/sales (%)




Selling and Administrative expenses/sales (%)




Interest expense/sales (%)




Total cost/sales (%)




Profit/sales (%)




Inventory turnover (times per year)




Accounts receivable turnover (days)




Current assets/current liabilities




Receivables/current liabilities




Profit/capital (% per year)




Times dividend earned





In addition you have the following information:

  • RC Pty Ltd is a large proprietary company involved in property development and residential construction in the Parramatta region. It experienced losses a few years ago but in recent years has improved its performance and returned to profitability.
  • Current year operating profit has increased by nearly 50% while sales have fallen slightly from last year's levels.
  • Eight months ago, RC Pty Ltd became involved in a consortium building a large residential project on the out skirts of Parramatta. The project is expected to take 7 years to finish, with completed dwellings being sold in stages 'off-the-plan'. Off-the-plan sales have become increasingly popular with consumers as only a small deposit is required to secure the property, with the balance not payable until completion (often up to 12 months later)
  • In order to finance participation in the residential project, RC Pty Ltd doubled its bank loan.
  • Industry average data was obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and is calculated using figures from all listed property development companies in Australia.

Your assistant has reviewed the data and made the following notes:

  1. Cost of goods/sales, operating expenses/sales, and selling and admin expenses /sales have all fallen, indicating an improvement in management efficiency. In addition, these ratios are all lower than industry averages, indicating RC Pty Ltd has good cost control measures in place.
  2. The inventory turnover ratio has fallen, indicating that inventory is held for less time than prior years. This should lessen our concerns regarding obsolescence.
  3. Debtors are now being collected 15 days (or 16%) faster than the prior year, reducing cash flow concerns and lessening pressure on the provision for doubtful debts.
  4. Current assets to current liabilities has increased, indicating an improvement in RC Pty Ltd's liquidity position. In addition, this ratio is above industry average.


  • Examine the validity of your assistant's comments, and where appropriate provide an alternative interpretation and analysis.
  • Evaluate the implications of your analysis on the year-end audit testing.

 Adapted from the Professional Year Programme of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia - 2000 Accounting 2 Module


Question 2

Case Scenario

Your audit manager has asked you to do the following:

  • Select a sample of creditors from the year-end creditors ledger:
  • Vouch each creditor's balance to selected invoices and subsequent cash payments: and
  • Agree the total of the creditors' ledger to the trial balance and general ledger.


She now wants to see if you understand the reasoning behind these activities and asks you to prepare a memo that:

  1. Identifies the audit assertion each of the above procedures is directed towards
  2. Identifies any assertions that you consider should be further tested (do not consider disclosure issues).
  3. In relation to the assertions identified in (2), she asks you to identify additional procedures you would perform to gather sufficient appropriate evidence.

Note: Please refer also to ASA 315(ISA 315) and ASA 500 (ISA 500)

 Adapted from the Professional Year Programme of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia - 1999 Accounting 2 Module


Question 3

If the auditor concludes that unethical behaviour has occurred, they need to consider whether it is necessary to whistleblow on the offender and, if so to whom to report. Auditors in practice need to be able to make a judgement as to when to whistleblow. Completing the requirement below will help you make that judgement.

Develop a set of guidelines that you would use to determine if it was appropriate to whistleblow in a situation where you considered there may be unethical conduct. Explain in a paragraph the reason for each of the guidelines that you have developed.

This could be set out in a table as below:










Content assessed Topics 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

This assessment has been designed to develop your ability to:

  • be able to describe risk management methodologies and the role of internal controls in an audit context
  • be able to explain and apply procedures involved in the audit process
  • be able to exercise critical and reflective judgement and appreciate the value of ethical practice.

Reference no: EM13503829

Questions Cloud

By what factor would the power loss be reduced : The transmission of electric power occurs at the highest possible voltage to reduce losses. If the voltage were raised by a factor of 9.3, by what factor would the power loss be reduced
Evaluate the implications of your analysis : Debtors are now being collected 15 days (or 16%) faster than the prior year, reducing cash flow concerns and lessening pressure on the provision for doubtful debts.
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Define the ph at the equivalence point in titrating : Calculate the pH at the equivalence point in titrating 0.100 M solutions of each of the following with 0.061 M NaOH.
Select a sample of creditors from year-end creditors ledger : Industry average data was obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and is calculated using figures from all listed property development companies in Australia.
Why is the business location important : Why is the business location important? Explain why Forecasting and Capacity Planning are essential in all businesses.
Different industries and each performs different activities : In a conglomerate merger, two companies merge that are in different industries and each performs different activities.
What impact did these changes in market value have on the : Use these duration values to calculate the expected change in the value of the loan and the liability for the predicted increase of 1.5 percent in interest rates.
What is the tax treatment of the trading stock : Advise FVS what income is derived and when and what tax consequences follow on default - What is the tax treatment of the trading stock the subject of a lay-by


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