Select a professional sports team and discuss about it

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131559405

Wrttien Assignment : Incentive Plan requires students to use the skills gained in Module/Week 1 to complete an incentive plan for a sport or entertainment event.

Please select a professional sports team, college athletic department, or other sport related organization to serve as the basis for your plan.

Please select an incentive-based promotion to entice fans to attend an event. In approximately 500 words, please justify the use of the promotion for your specific market.

Reference no: EM131559405

Questions Cloud

Systems analysts maintain : Some systems analysts maintain that source documents are unnecessary. They say that all input can be entered directly into the system.
Discuss the case of investment analysis : INVESTMENT ANALYSIS The proprietor of Midland Construction Company has to decide between two projects. He estimates that the first project will yield a profit.
What is max expected profit : EXPECTED PROFIT Max built a spec house at a cost of $450,000. He estimates that he can sell the house for $580,000, $570,000, or $560,000, with probabilities.
Instructions organized for a common purpose : Systems programs (software) consist of instructions organized for a common purpose and tell the computer what tasks to perform and how to perform them.
Select a professional sports team and discuss about it : Select a professional sports team, college athletic department, or other sport related organization to serve as the basis for your plan.
Role of hardware components and operating system : Develop a 1,050-word summary describing the role of hardware components and operating system software on a computer:
What is minimum amount that he can expect to pay for policy : LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES As a fringe benefit, Dennis Taylor receives a $25,000 life insurance policy from his employer.
What is the discounted payback period for these cash flows : What is the discounted payback period for these cash flows if the initial cost is $9,000?
Record these vehicle purchases in the purchases journal : Invested $340000.00 into the business, depositing it into the bank account. Record these vehicle purchases in the purchases journal


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