Select a personal experience from your community

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Reference no: EM131625021

In 2004, Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan conducted an experiment in which they sent fake resumes out to hundreds of real open job postings.

These resumes were identical except for one control-half the fictional applicants' names were "African American-sounding" and half were "White-sounding." They found that the white names got 50 percent more callbacks for interviews across all industries and job types, suggesting the presence of racial bias or subconscious attitude formation and stereotyping.

Over a decade later, employment discrimination, police bias toward certain groups, and discriminatory housing or financial policies are still at the forefront of current affairs.

For this Discussion, you examine an experience with racial or ethnic bias that you or someone you know has had. As a human and social services professional, drawing awareness to these experiences and your reactions to them may help you begin the process of bringing ethical decision-making sensibilities to culturally or racially sensitive issues, a topic you continue to explore throughout the course.

To Prepare:

· Review this week's readings, focusing on any implications of your lived experiences with racial or ethnic bias toward clients in your professional area of interest.

· Select a personal experience from your community or workplace related to racial or ethnic bias that you or someone you know has had.

· Reflect on how you handled the situation you selected and whether you would address it differently if you could.

Post a description of the experience you selected. Next, explain how you addressed the bias at the time.

Finally, now that you have had time to reflect and consider the situation, explain whether you would have addressed it differently.

If so, how? If not, why?Minimum of 250 words, please include citations and references.

Reference no: EM131625021

Questions Cloud

Implications of a value-to-book ratio : Compare the implications of a value-to-book ratio that is greater than one to those of a value-to-book ratio that is less than one.
Define work on nancy''s side of building : Tom and his team arrive at the address, but by mistake, they begin work on Nancy's side of building
Construct a table that shows the profit : construct a table that shows the profit (loss) for each strategy for change in stock price. Possible stock prices at expiration are 20, 30, 40, 50, and 75
Construct a table showing how profit : Call options on a stock currently trading at $35 a share are available with strike prices of $30, $35, and $40 and expiration dates in three months.
Select a personal experience from your community : Select a personal experience from your community or workplace related to racial or ethnic bias that you or someone you know has had.
Create imaginary person you want to write to in your journal : Create an imaginary person you want to write to in your journal. Alternately, it could be a real person, such as a child or a friend from grade school.
Describe the elements used in the dating technique : Describe the benefits you receive from a professional organization of which you are a member.Describe the elements used in the dating technique.
Shares of new stock at a total price : During the past year, the company issued 10.5 million shares of new stock at a total price of $59 million, and issued $35.5 million in new long-term debt.
Calculate fixed and variable cost : Create an excel spreadsheet to calculate fixed and variable cost data for evaluating alternative approaches - what numbers of orders are the total costs


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