Select a creative work of art in philadelphia

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131479538

Meaning in the Arts: Independent Field Study Assignment

For this assignment, you will write a two to three page paper on a painting, sculpture, or work of architecture you have selected, using the artwork as a jumping off point to explore one of the theories or topics we have been studying. You will find the goals of the assignment and the directions below. Good luck!


Plato, Republic Book X

Selections from Aristotle's Poetics

Schiller, "Of the Sublime"

Nietzsche, Selections from The Birth of Tragedy

Hume, selections from The Standard of Taste

Arthur Danto, "The Art World"

Lessing, "What is Wrong with a Forgery?"

Dutton, "Artistic Crimes"

Margolis, "The Ontological Peculiarity of Works of Art"

Feagin, "The Pleasures of Tragedy"

Caroll, "Enjoying Horror"

Gant, "The Paradox of Horror"

Beardsley, "The Testability of an Interpretation"

Margolis, "Robust Relativism"

Gadamer, "Hermeneutical Experience"

The goals of this assignment are to:

• Explore the artwork of Philadelphia

• Develop some basic research skills

• Apply a theory or develop a topic we have covered in the course readings and the classroom

• Practice citing sources

Step 1: Select a creative work of art in Philadelphia from the following forms: painting, sculpture, or architecture.

• Visit a museum - the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Barnes Foundation, the Rodin Museum, or the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art, for instance - or select an outdoor sculpture or building.

• The artwork should relate to the course by acting as an example or counterexample of a theory or topic we have studied, or by raising important questions related to a theory or topic.

• If permitted by the museum, be sure to photograph the artwork and the corresponding information tag. If not, make sure you write down the details of the information tag.

Step 2: Write a two to three page essay that explains how the artwork you selected relates to a theory or topic we covered in the course readings.

• In your essay, provide an image of the artwork that you selected

o Take a photograph of the artwork at the museum, if permitted, or

o Find an image of the artwork on the museum's web site, in one of the library's image databases, or on the free web

o Be sure to properly cite the image

• Your essay should include (but is not limited to) the following:

o An introductory paragraph in which you briefly introduce the artwork, the theory or topic you selected, and how it applies to your artwork. Be sure to craft a strong thesis statement in this paragraph.

o A paragraph of background information on the artist and the artwork.

o A detailed, accurate, and thoughtful paragraph on the theory or topic you have selected to use from the class readings.

o A paragraph that thoughtfully describes how the artwork relates to the theory you have chosen.

o A concluding paragraph restating your thesis, reviewing your evidence and arguments, and offering final thoughts.

• Be sure to cite your sources! Cite your sources using Chicago Style.

Reference no: EM131479538

Questions Cloud

What other hrm activities could be impacted by the training : What other HRM activities could be impacted by the training and collaboration? In current APA format in addition to the text.
Collaborative nature of supply chains : How well are employees trained to understand the collaborative nature of supply chains?
Organizations best interest in mind : How do you relay organizational values and goals to an employee that does not have the organizations best interest in mind?
Volunteer underwent the mandatory training : What steps would you take, as the director, to deal with this particular situation and to avoid a future occurrence?
Select a creative work of art in philadelphia : Visit a museum - the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Barnes Foundation, the Rodin Museum, or the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art.
Performance-based acquisition process : Choose one of the seven steps within the Performance-Based Acquisition process.
The purpose of post-award audits is to determine : The purpose of post-award audits is to determine. Claims involving ___________ are excluded from the disputes process by the Contract Disputes Act.
Analyze the effectiveness of the given leadership approach : Analyze the effectiveness of this leadership approach. Give examples of how specific behaviors or attitudes illustrate specific tenets of the leadership model.
Culture belong on richard lewis model : Where does your culture belong on Richard Lewis' model? Do you agree with that assessment? What did you learn about your own communication patterns?


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