Security Threats and Security Risks

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133076429


1. Safeguarding Against Security Threats

A reflection is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice in the future.

Individuals and organizations today face a variety of security threats. To protect themselves from these threats, they usually take certain protective measures-commonly known as safeguards.

Select and research three common security threats (e.g., ransomware, phishing) and identify at least two safeguards that can mitigate the risks of each threat. Explain when the safeguards are effective and when they are not. Lastly, describe any disadvantages of the safeguards from the perspectives of the IT manager, as well as from employees at the organization.


Access the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that went into effect on May 25, 2018. Review the requirements of the GDPR. Write a summary of the impact of the GDPR and then create recommendations on data protection for the United States. Consider the following questions as you create your recommendation:

What protections do European citizens have through the GDPR?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the GDPR? Consider the perspectives of consumers as well as businesses.

Did the GDPR have a global impact? How did it impact US companies?

What information do companies collect on US citizens, including location information, search history, and social media posts? Think about what someone would know about you if they could see your entire search history.

Access and read Google's Privacy Policy. Is there anything in the privacy policy that makes you uncomfortable?

3. Digital Rights Management

A reflection is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice in the future.

Explain the concept of digital rights management (DRM). Why do organizations use DRM technology to protect intellectual capital? What is a typical DRM application that can be used to manage access to digital content? What are the ethical and legal implications of DRM? What are the overall advantages and disadvantages of DRM?

4. Organizational policies and laws

As an IT manager, describe how you would use organizational policies, federal, state, and local laws, and ethics to guide how to set up your IT architecture, IT policies, and communications with employees. Express how each of those items will influence your decision-making. When necessary, cite specific policies, laws, or ethical frameworks.

5. Information Security Risks

A reflection is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice in the future.

Describe the steps that an organization takes in order to manage information security risks and build a risk matrix. What is involved in each step of this process? Use a specific organization in your response.

6. Security Life Cycle Steps

Explain the differences between the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and the security life cycle. Include both management and non-management IT security positions that perform security life cycle steps and briefly describe their roles.

Reference no: EM133076429

Questions Cloud

Exponential and logarithmic functions : Search the internet for real-world applications of logarithms or exponential functions. What is the relationship between exponentials and logarithms?
Information security and risk : Describe what information security governance goals, processes, and related leadership responsibilities are most important to you.
Technological progress of health care systems : Healthcare industry uses various types of health information technology systems. healthcare administration, called Healthcare Management Information Systems
Health Information Technology standards : The Health Information Technology (HIT) standards are developed both by national and international organizations for local and global implementation.
Security Threats and Security Risks : Describe the steps that an organization takes in order to manage information security risks and build a risk matrix.
IS Integration-Types of Software : Discuss the differences of the three types of software along with the advantages and disadvantages of each from the perspective of an IT manager.
Knowledge Of Management Practices : Examine efficiency and effectiveness issues that affect decision-making in the workplace. Analyze the key components of relationship building for managers.
Viable erp solutions presentation : Determine the main selection criteria that ERP packages have in common. Compares and contrasts how each package handles SCM, CRM, and ERP.
NEXIS-Uni Legal Research Database : Using the NEXIS-Uni Legal Research Database. identify and explain the requirements and elements for a valid contract.


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