Security by obscurity

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM133474


(a) List and illustrate seven security concepts.

(b) Give explanation of the following eight common threats facing web applications:

- Defacement

- Infiltration

- Phishing

- Pharming

- Insider Threats

- Click Fraud

- Denial of Service

- Data Theft/Loss

(c) What do you comprehend by IP Whitelisting and IP Spoofing?

(d) Give detailed difference between a worm and a virus?

(e) What is "Security by Obscurity"?

(f) Portray five types of biometric identification schemes.


(a) Distinguish between symmetric and public key encryption cryptographic systems and their modes of operation.

(b) Give details what hash functions are and using a suitable example show how to calculate the hash on a string using MD5.

(c) Give explanation for what you understand by the terms hash collision and rainbow tables giving an appropriate instance for each. Also describe how they can be prevented.

(d) Write a 4-pass iterative and 5-pass recursive PHP function (role) using hash algorithm sha1 and salt "mysalt" to hash password "mypass".

Reference no: EM133474

Questions Cloud

Ip spoofing : honeypot or a firewall, error handling, Denial-Of-Service, Public Key Infrastructure, WLAN Administrator, WEP Protocol, RSA Algorithm, Network Engineer
Protocol stack for wap2 : WAP protocol, cellular network infrastructure, SSL protect against eavesdropping, network datagrams (packets) be protected at the network layer, pin and fingerprint, Certificate Revocation, Public Key Infrastructure, modern symmetric algorithm bl..
Network threats : confidentiality, integrity and availability, trojan horse, Compress the data, Caesar cipher, rail fence cipher, PGP operation, network perimeter, MSFT, RSA cryptosystem
Ssl for http traffic : SSL Record protocol of the SSL protocol stack, RADIUS, networks for access control, DNS poisoning, Spear Phishing attacks, centralised or decentralised access control, encrypt email data
Security by obscurity : Defacement, Infiltration, Phishing, Pharming, Insider Threats, Click Fraud, Denial of Service, Data Theft/Loss, IP Whitelisting and IP Spoofing, recursive PHP functio, worm and a virus, hash on a string using MD5
Concept of subletting in v6 : small package routing is more efficient in IPV6 than in IPV4, increase the hacking factor, network security model (NSM), ACL, VLAN, war dialing
Mc gregor theory : action of a modern HR department, Personnel Management and Human Resources Management, Maslow's Theory to managing people, Maslow's hierarchy of needs Theory, Apprenticeship, job description, interviewing
Operation management : marketing strategy, turnover in terms of revenue, Paid out rate
Consider an adt called squarematrix : Consider an ADT called 'SquareMatrix'


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