Security and privacy in iomt

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM132949694

Topic - Security and Privacy in IoMT (internet of medical things).

In this assignment:

1. Please formulated specific aims and defined the scope of your research, such as the IoMT definitions, impacts, and benefits of IoMT in healthcare, challenges, and security issues of IoMT-risks and cybersecurity attacks face IoMT with 2 examples.

2. researched the literature to describe the background and the importance of the research topic.

The Paper Research guidelines:
1. It must have no more than 1750 words of text.
2. The paper must be double-spaced in size 12, Times New Roman font.
3. The basic structure of your paper should be:
a. Title/Cover Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Introduction
d. Disc33ussion
e. Conclusion
f. References in APA style

4. The discussion section should flow with a new paragraph when a topic changes. Be careful with your in-text sources and citations. A number less than 10 should be written out: "five" instead of "5". You should only use quotes when you cannot paraphrase what the author is saying. Do not use filler sentences to take up space; get to the point.

5. The paper's conclusion should be a brief conclusion of your topic and opinion, do not repeat everything you said in the body of the paper.
6. Page numbering starts on the second page and begins with 2.
7. There should not be blue hyperlinks on your reference page! All text should be in black.
8. Any charts and figures shall be embedded in the report Word document.
9. All papers must include no less than 5 references.

Reference no: EM132949694

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