Reference no: EM132327538
Written in C:
The following script will find the second smallest element in an array. First, run the script then put comments in the script that will explain how the selection of the second smallest element happens.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{ int a[50], size, i, j = 0, small, secondsmall; printf(" Enter the size of the array: "); scanf("%d",& size);
printf(" Enter %d elements in to the array: ", size); for( i = 0; i <size; i++)
scanf("%d",& a[i]);
small = a[0];
for( i = 1; i <size; i++)
{ if( small> a[i]) { small = a[i]; j = i; } }
secondsmall = a[size-j-1];
for( i = 1; i <size; i++)
{ if( secondsmall> a[i] && j != i) secondsmall = a[i]; } printf(" Second smallest: %d", secondsmall);
return 0;
getchar(); }
(from 100+ Most Important C Programs with Output: for Students & Teachers by Rohit Gupta,