Seasonal nature of demand at hershey company

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132300327

1. Mobile Phone Company: Negotiations In two of your countries of operation, one of your major competitors has made deals with officials that make your competitor's phone the official phone of the government. You find out that one of your Director of Sales is a turncoat who set up these deals for your competitor and turned in his resignation to you today. How do you react to this threat? What negotiations could you use to turn this threat into an opportunity?

2. Given the seasonal nature of demand at Hershey's Company, how would you forecast future demand for customer visits? What criteria will you use to determine a "good" forecast? WHat methods would you use, and why? What is your final recommendation with respect to a forecasting method?

Reference no: EM132300327

Questions Cloud

Define implementation of a key performance indicator : The implementation of a Key Performance Indicator will have repercussions. Organizations must communicate KPIs to members of the operation, or there won't.
What were the benefits and drawbacks : Provide?an example of a time when you or someone you know has been involved in participatory planning. What were the benefits and drawbacks?
Better off purchasing equipment rather than leasing : Provide an example where an organization would be better off purchasing equipment rather than leasing.
Summarize the current state of competition in the industry : Summarize the current state of competition in this industry. Assess if Nike continuing to pull away from rivals, or if they are catching up.
Seasonal nature of demand at hershey company : Given the seasonal nature of demand at Hershey's Company, how would you forecast future demand for customer visits?
What is quickcharge breakeven point : Suppose QuickCharge Corporation manufactures phone chargers. They sell their chargers for $20. Their fixed operating costs are $100,000 and their variable.
Organization choose to lease over purchasing equipment : What factors do rating agencies look at when issuing bond ratings? Why would an organization choose to lease over purchasing equipment?
Sound managerial decision making as depicted by massie : What are the five steps to sound managerial decision making as depicted by Massie
How can social democracy cure the phenomenon : How can social democracy cure the phenomenon of "private opulence and public squalor"? Take Sweden or another Nordic democracy as example.


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