Searching library research databases

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13257588

Select a topic of interest to you relating to technology in education.

This is a RESEARCH paper. This means that you should be using professional journals and other professionally legitimate sources to summarize and articulate that which is relevant (RESEARCH-wise) in the area you have chosen.

Of course, you can also draw upon more informal sources of information, such as blogs, news articles, and other web-based content, but these must be supplemental to the more authoritative resources.

Your own opinion should not be present in this objective report. However, a blog entry must be posted reflecting on the findings of your research. Personal opinion and evaluation of your paper content is critical in your blog entry.

•DO NOT just rely on Google for searching for scholarly information Here are the types of services they can provide you with should you need:

o Identifying scholarly resources, such as peer-reviewed journal articles

o Searching library research databases (general or subject-specific)

o Evaluating information sources.

o Hands-on research sessions.

Reference no: EM13257588

Questions Cloud

Does other charges get added to purchase price : Company owned vehicle -Fixed asset being traded in for another vehicle. Does the Other Charges get added to the purchase price or classed out to fees?
Variance amount-variance percentage : What is the variance amount? What is the variance percentage? Is the variance favorable orunfavorable?
What would make for a larger increase in the stock variance : What would make for a larger increase in the stock's variance: an increase of .15 in its beta or an increase of 3% in its residual standard deviation?
Find the distance the sled moves before it stops : A sled of mass m is given a kick on a frozen pond. The kick imparts to it an initial speed of 1.60 m/s. The coefficient of kinetic friction between sled and ice is 0.110. Use energy considerations to find the distance the sled moves before it stop..
Searching library research databases : Identifying scholarly resources, such as peer-reviewed journal articles and searching library research databases (general or subject-specific)
What is the purpose of closing the books : What is the purpose of closing the books? After closing, what is the amount of owner's equity that will be reported on the balance sheet?
Present value of the receivable on biotech books : Compute the present value of the receivable on Biotech's books for January 1, 2006 immediately after receiving the $1million down payment.
Find the characteristic frequencies of the system : Three balls are constrained to move on the circumference of a circle of radius R. find the characteristic frequencies of the system
What was the sticker price of the car : What was the sticker price of the car if the monthly interest rate is 1.5% (periodic rate) and it takes 4 years (48 months) to pay off the car?


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