Searching f and removing certain states from the hash table

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13161297

Some of the attributes of a state in the United States are its name, capital, area, year of admission to the union, and the order of admission to the union. Design the class stateData to keep track of the information for a state. Your class must include appropriate functions to manipulate the state's data, such as the functions setStateInfo, getStateInfo, and so on. Also, overload the relational operators to compare two states by their name. For easy input and output, overload the stream operators.

Use the class hashT, ''Hashing: Implementation Using Quadratic Probing,'' which uses quadratic probing to resolve collision, to create a hash table to keep track of each state's information. Use the state's name as the key to determine the hash address. You may assume that a state's name is a string of no more than 15 characters.

Test program by searching for and removing certain states from the hash table.


You may use the following hash function to determine the hash address of an item:

int hashFunc(string name)

int i, sum;
int len;
i = 0;
sum = 0;
len = name.length();
for (int k = 0; k < 15 - len; k++)
name = name + ' '; //increase the length of the name
//to 15 characters
for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
sum = sum + static_cast<int>(name[i]) * 128 * 128
+ static_cast<int>(name[i + 1]) * 128
+ static_cast<int>(name[i + 2]);
i = i + 3;
return sum % HTSize;



Reference no: EM13161297

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