Search for the name of one prominent scholar or teacher with

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133514369

Question: Conduct an online scavenger hunt. To teach students how to understand digital texts, teachers must also be adept consumers of the Internet. Answer the questions below:

  1. Search for the name of one young adult author that you could share with your students. Share the grade level(s) for whom the author primarily writes, the subject matter about which the author writes, the author's name, and website.
  2. Search for the name of one prominent scholar or teacher with expertise in secondary reading instruction. Share the individual's name, the individual's website, and two interesting facts you learned about his or her teaching / work. Hint: look at the references cited in your textbooks for ideas.


Reference no: EM133514369

Questions Cloud

How often do reports need to be submitted to the funders : How often do reports need to be submitted to the funders? What tools (if any) will you use to track process and create reports? Explain.
What right or rights did the case involve : Explain both sides of the issue What right or rights did the case involve? Do you agree or disagree with the Supreme Court's decision. Explain why or why not.
How effective was the speaker at persuading the audience : How effective was the speaker at persuading the audience? Explain your answer. Were you personally persuaded by the speaker's message? Explain your answer.
How has the process of societal secularization : How has the process of societal secularization benefited Christianity in the West? Why?
Search for the name of one prominent scholar or teacher with : Search for the name of one young adult author that you could share with your students. Share the grade level(s) for whom the author primarily writes
Explain how the monte carlo model works : Explain how the Monte Carlo model works and the various tools that can be utilized by a department.
What are the organizations goals : What are the organization's goals? Describe how the trend you selected will impact the goals and resources of your organization.
Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied : Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.
How economic globalization affects human development : In his essay, he investigates how economic globalization affects human development and makes the case that corruption.


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