Search for movies by movie name or kind of movie

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1332893


I want to design a relational database to store information about my store (video rental store) customers and videotapes.

I think the database will improve my ability to market to and provide enhanced service to my customers. Among the things I would like to be able to do, once the database is up and running are:

1- Search for customers by last name or phone number

2- When entering new customers, enter a zip code and the database will find the city and state

3- Keep track of which movies their customers rented, on what dates, and how much they spent on each date and in total

4- Search for movies by movie name or type of movie

5- Search for movies that have a certain actor (note that some movies will have more than one actor worth searching on)

Some things you might need to know are:

1 - Movies rent for $3-$5 each, plus a 10% entertainment tax and late fee of $1 each day it is past due.

2- The possible types of movies are "Comedy", "Drama", "Family", "Horror", "SciFi",
and "Romance"


1- Make sure all tables have a primary key that will be unique

2- Avoid many-to-many relationships between tables


1- Create a database using Microsoft Access

2- Create the appropriate tables and keys

3- Create the appropriate table relationships, enforcing Referential Integrity

Add records (feel free to be creative), including at least:

1. 5 different customers

2. 10 different videos

Specify a variety of prices and movie types

Associate more than one actor with some of the movies

15 rental transactions

At least 5 of them should include more than one movie

Every customer has at least 2 transactions

Specify a variety of movies and customers

Create the following queries, including at least the indicated fields:

Customer List: ID, Phone Number, Customer Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip

No duplicate rows (a duplicate row is one where ALL the same data appears in another row)

Sorted in ascending order by Customer's Last Name

Transaction List: Date, Customer Name, Video Name, Price, Tax, Total Price (for each movie rented). Format each field appropriately.

No duplicate rows (a duplicate row is one where ALL the same data appears in another row)

Sorted by Customer's Last Name and, within each customer, by Date with the most recent rental appearing first


I want you to create a form using and connect to the access database using ADO.NET. This form should allow me to add new movie, customer or search for movie or customer

I want to be able to search the database by last name, phone, actor or movie title. Put the access database in the bin with the code

Arwo Studio is my store name. the word ARWO should be on top left of every GUI

Reference no: EM1332893

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