SCS0985 Risk Control Assignment

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM132461636 , Length: 1 page

SCS0985 - Risk Control - University of Toronto

Problem 1 Select (5) five energy transfer theory strategies and provide an example for each.

Problem 2

Refer to the following Global News article:

Toronto teen Jeremiah Perry failed school swim test before drowning in Algonquin Park: TDSB

If you wish, you may also refer to other related articles for this incident (there are many).

As the risk management professional of a school board in Alberta, you have been requested to create a fault tree analysis based on the publicly available information. You will be presenting your fault tree to the executive management team and the executive team will want to know risk control measures that you would take to reduce the probability of this event occurring at your school board.

The following is required:

P 1. A fault tree analysis including a diagram (computer created) of a fault tree with "and" or "or" gates as required.

P 2. Identify and describe (5) five risk control measures.

Problem 3

Refer to the following Globe and Mail article:

Three killed in fire at Toronto seniors' building

This is just one of the many examples of fire tragedies occurring in senior or long-term care facilities.

You are Risk Manager for a leading national long-term care facility organization. The Board of Directors has become very concerned with recent tragic incidents occurring across North America. Despite information and risk treatment options presented in their enterprise risk register, they have requested a risk overview. Based on your expert knowledge of building construction and occupancy, your company President has requested that you provide a response to the following in your presentation:

P 1. Identify and describe three types of common building constructions for either your own employer's buildings or another example.

P 2. Identify and describe (1) one key occupancy type that is common with the above selected building type and (3) three key human characteristics related to this type of occupancy

P 3. Identify and describe (2) two key internal building fire protection options that will reduce the risk for your facility occupancies.

Problem 4
A school bus operator in rural British Columbia (BC) operates a 100-bus fleet that are all stored in a central garage. The operator is having difficulty finding experienced operators, extreme weather patterns and road construction have made driving conditions more challenging, maintenance costs have been increasing and the current BC / Federal government's carbon tax is having a significant impact on fuel prices. Despite this, profit margins are being squeezed as school boards seek to limit any increases in rates.

For each of the following risk management techniques, (1) define the technique and (2) explain why that technique could or could not be used by the school bus operator to overcome this exposure:
a) Separation/duplication/diversification of exposure units
b) Exposure avoidance
c) Loss reduction
d) Loss prevention

Problem 5

Marijuana is soon to be legalized in Canada. The Board of Directors for Canopy Growth Corporation is concerned with supply chai risk and has asked the President to schedule a scenario planning session to identify various risks. In preparation for the session:

P 1. Briefly identify and describe (5) five supply chain internal threats.
P 2. Briefly identify and describe (5) five supply chain external opportunities.

Attachment:- Risk Control.rar

Reference no: EM132461636

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