Scripture inform your understanding of VBM

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133066738

The parable of the Place of Honor examines the power of being humble. We as leaders and businesspeople should operate from a place of humility rather than a place of haughtiness. As we think about how we interact with others and how others see us from our interactions, we need to be mindful of how Christ has called us to be humble in our approach to leading and serving. This is difficult at times because many of us are wired to move forward, get things done, and do whatever it takes to be successful. We can still do all these things, but we need to accomplish them through a lens of humility. We should not be people who only try to promote ourselves, but we should be people that work hard, care for others, and do whatever it takes to build healthy and gracious relationships. God has called us to a life of humility, and when we lead, love, and care through humility, we will always do so from a seat of honor through Christ's strength within us.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

Integrate the VBM into research, reading, writing, and reporting.

Demonstrate the ability to write for practitioner websites.

Background Information

This is the seventh parable in our series for the course. We have been discussing and learning together about the Virtuous Business Model through these parables. We have also been applying the learning gained from the parable readings and our reflection on the VBM to our personal and professional lives. In this final week, you will do the same; however, as you reflect on the scripture reading for this week, also consider the prior weeks and how the you might integrate the broader scope of learning that has occurred more fully in your life.

Reflect on the following questions:

What past personal experience(s) can you relate to the parable?

How does the Scripture inform your understanding of the VBM?

What can you do differently or better as a result of this reflective learning exercise?

Reference no: EM133066738

Questions Cloud

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Scripture inform your understanding of VBM : How does the Scripture inform your understanding of the VBM? What can you do differently or better as a result of this reflective learning exercise?
Determine whether or not price discrimination exists : Consider the following examples of prices. For each example, determine whether or not price discrimination exists and explain why or why not.
Prepare a multiple-step income statement : Accumulated Depreciation-Office Equipment 666,500 and Accounts Receivable 1,170,600. Prepare a multiple-step income statement
Find profit-maximizing monopolist : The profit-maximizing monopolist will set a price equal to dollars, produce and sell a quantity of thousand units, and will earn revenue of thousand dollars.
Implementing types of controls : Price controls on rents are frequently implemented by governments to protect renters from high housing prices. Differentiate the type of price control used from


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