Scope of the project and project management plan

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Reference no: EM132583968 , Length: word count:1500


Part A:

1. You are required to develop a brief about the website required in order to obtain quotes from at least three website designers. Use the template provided to you by your assessor as well as the scenario information from Assessment Task 2 to develop the website brief.
When you have completed the website brief. email it to the three selected website designers for
a quote (this will be your assessor). Include the brief as an attachment to an email and in your email briefly explain the required work.


It is four weeks into the project for the development of the website. The status of the project is as follows:
• The content has been developed for the website within the required timeline Of one month from the implementation of the project plan and at the specified cost.
The content was written by a public relations consultancy company FR Pulse for the cost specified n the project budget.
• Three quotes have been received from website developers as &Plows:
- Best web Design $3,750, timing indicated as four weeks - examples of other websites
developed do not seem to be suitable.
- Visualweb $5,000. timing indicated as eight weeks - examples of other websites developed
seem to be along the Ines required.
- Web designs Australia $6,000. timing Indicated as 12 weeks - examples of other websites
developed seem to be along the lines required.
• Most unexpectedly the customer service after has lest. You need to find another person to assist.

3. Review the information above and prepare a project status report using the template provided to send to the Operations Manager (your assessor}

4. Email the project status report to the Operations Manager.

The project is now complete with the outcomes as follows:
• The website is now lye. There has been very positive feedback amongst all staff about the bok and content of the website. The website designers were very professional and easy to deal with.
• It is four months since the project commenced and the website is now complete. Delays occurred because of the following:
- The website developer could not complete the website within the required timelines as originally stated in Weir quote.
- There were additional delays due to the customer service officer's departure and changes to the website during the development as a result of the project manager's input.
- The design of the logo took longer - see below
the estimated cost for the logo was doubled because the first designer employed was unable to develop a logo to the company's linking and so a new logo designer was contracted. This therefore doubled the costs as the list designer, as well as the second designer needed to be Paid.
• Training will be required n website maintenance to ensure information is regularly updated eg the newsletter. Trailing should ideally be provided to the administrator staff.

Austral/an Native Bush Spices Australia is based in Coils Harbour. NSW.
The business was established n 2010 Co cater for a demand for Australian native food products. The company has organic certification
The company manufactures and retails a range of organic. Austraian native foods incliteng: Native herbs and spices
Native herbal teas
Native fruit jams and conserves.
Currency the business is selling is products through a number of small supermarkets and heath stores
throughout Australia. The company also has a very, basic website that includes four pages - home, about us products and contact details The URL is wiewhiichvern07
The company's overall business objectives for the next three years are to increase sales and create brand awareness, develop a broader product range, as well as expand into overseas markets, most likely Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.
The company's target customers are those that enjoy gourmet foods The age range of Australian consumers buying products is between 35 and 65 and most consumers are health conscious care about protecting the environment and have an average annual income of S&2 000
The company currently employs the following staff in its head office: CEO. Operations Manager, Marketing Coordinator, Customer Service Officer and two administration staff
Ten staff are employed in the factory making and cestributng the products
As the Marketing Coordinator, you have been asked by the Operations Manager to coordinate a project to develop a new website.
As the new website is seen as a critical part of the company's expansion strategy. the Operations Manager has advised that you will need to develop a project scope for the website to present to senior management, as we/ I a project plan. The Operations Manager has also advised that the project team is to consist of yourself and the Customer Service Officer who has been assigned to assist you with this project
The Operations Manager has advised that the website is to include a shopping can so customers can order products directly through the website. He would also like customers to be able to access recipes and general information about the health benefits of bush spices.
The company has established procedures for project management as documented in the project management policy and procedure.

Complete the following activities:

1. Review the case study information provided to you above, as well as the project scope template.
Identify all the information you need to develop the project scope document and prepare a list of questions for the additional information you need to discuss with the Operations Manager at a meetng to confirm and clarify project parameters, including your own responsibilities.
Write down your questions as notes to use at the meeting.

2.You should also review the project management policies and procedures and project management plan and confirm responsibilities and reporting requirements as the project manager. You should also make notes on this to discuss at the meeting.
Participate in a meeting with the Operations Manager.
During the meetng, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including: Asking questions to identify required information
Responding to questions as required
Using active listening techniques to confirm information

3. Based on the discussion above. develop a project scoping document using the template provided.

4. When you have completed the project scoping document. send it to the Operations Manager for feedback. The Operations Manager will provide you with any feedback as required.

5. Using the project management plan template provided to you and based on the project scoping document you developed and any feedback from the Operations Manager, develop a project management plan. Note that you will use the risk legend to assist in the classifyfiation of risks.

6. The final part of the assessment requires you to meet with the project team (the customer service officer, role played by your assessor) to discuss the scope of the project and project management plan. This will be on a date and time advised by your assessor.
At the meeting, you must:
• Outline the project as per the project scoping document
• briefly explain the organisation's project management policies and procedures
• Outline the project management plan, Including roles and responsibilities of the project manager, as well as the project team member.
• Seek the project team members feedback.

7. During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
• Asking questions to identify required information
• Responding to questions as required
• Using active listening techniques to confirm Information.

8. Incorporate the feedback into your plan and email the final project plan to the Manager for final approval and seek approval to proceed. Confirm in the email that you have met with your team and a brief outline of the topics discussed.

9. When you have completed this task set up folders for the project, as per requirements specified In the project management policy and procedure. When the project is completed, you will need to send a zipped file to your assessor that shows the folders you have created, and documents included (this will be Assessment Task 3). You will be assessed on whether you have set up the folders and created documents as per the project management policy and procedure requirements.

Part B

1. Review the information above and then meet with your team (this will be your assessor) to get their input on the project. This will be on a date and time advised by your assessor.
a During the meeting, you will need to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
• Asking questions to identify required information
• Responding to questions as required
Using active listening techniques to confirm information.

3. Develop a final project report using the template provided, ensuring you Incorporate the feedback from the team meeting into your report, as well as your own reflections based on the project status report you developed and the scenario information above. You will also need to ensure that the report makes it clear that training will be required to ensure that staff will be able to complete required new duties.

4. Fie the report as per the folders you have established and send the final report to your assessor via email.

5. Now that you have completed all of the required documents for this project, send a zipped file to your assessor that includes the folders you have created, and documents included. You will be assessed on whether you have set up the folders and created documents as per the project management policy and procedure requirements.

Reference no: EM132583968

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