Scope and nature of the healthcare industry segment

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131270730


For this milestone, you will submit a competitive analysis. This analysis will include a list of competitors with strengths and weaknesses, strategies and objectives, and market outlook. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

. Define the scope and nature of the healthcare industry segment (pharmaceutical, internal medicine, rehabilitation, etc.).
. Determine who the competitors are and describe their individual strengths and weaknesses with respect to your chosen organization and product or service.
. Define the key success factors in the chosen industry and rate competitors based on these factors.
. Summarize the organization's market position in light of the analysis and justifies summary with research.

Guidelines for Submission: This submission should be one to two pages in length and should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Scope and Nature of the Healthcare Industry Segment Defines the scope and nature of the healthcare industry segment (pharmaceutical, internal medicine, rehabilitation, etc.) and justifies position with research Defines the scope and nature of the healthcare industry segment but lacks specificity or does not justify position with research Does not define the scope and nature of the healthcare industry segment

Competitors Determines who the organization's competitors are and describes their individual strengths and weaknesses with respect to the chosen organization's product/service Determines who the organization's competitors are, but description of their strengths and weaknesses with respect to the chosen organization's product/service is lacking in detail Does not determine who the organization's competitors are or describe their individual strengths and weaknesses

Key Success Factors Defines the key success factors in the chosen industry and rates competitors based on these factors Defines the key success factors in the chosen industry but does rate competitors based on these factors Does not define the key success factors in the chosen industry or rate competitors based on these factors

Market Position Summarizes the organization's market position in light of the analysis and justifies summary with research Summarizes the organization's market position but does not justify summary with research Does not summarize the organization's market position in light of the analysis or justify summary with research

Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax that prevent understanding of ideas.

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Reference no: EM131270730

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