Scientific knowledge-contributions-methodology

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Reference no: EM1324841

Please give me the direction to analyze this article:

Incarceration, Addiction and Harm Reduction: Inmates Experience Injecting Drugs in Prison. By: Small, Will; Kain, S.; Laliberte, Nancy; Schechter, Martin; O'shaughnessy, Michael; Spittal, Patricia. Substance Use & Misuse. 2005, Vol. 40 Issue 6, p831-843. 13p.

1. What was the methodology used in the article (qualitative or quantitative)?

2. What was the approach used in the article? (If your article was qualitative, the approaches include case study, phenomenology, ethnography, and grounded theory. If your article was quantitative, the three approaches are experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental.)

3. In order for research to have scientific merit in psychology, it must contribute new, meaningful knowledge to the field of psychology. In a few sentences, summarize the new knowledge that was contributed by this research. Then, write one or two paragraphs explaining how this knowledge is meaningful to psychology as a science. Also address the importance of the application of this knowledge by psychologists (and other professionals) in real-world settings.

4. In order for research to have scientific merit in psychology, it must advance psychological theories. In one or two paragraphs, describe the theoretical foundations of the research and how the research advanced those. For example, the research may have tested, confirmed, extended, or modified a theory. Perhaps it generated a new theory.

5. Describe the sample and the sampling procedure (the way in which the participants were selected). Avoid quoting the article, and use your own descriptions. Evaluate whether the sample and sampling procedures were appropriate for the methodology and approach.

6. Describe the data-collection procedure. This would start after participants gave informed consent, and end when the participants have completed the study. Avoid quoting the article, and use your own descriptions. If your methodology was qualitative, you might be describing interview procedures, for example. If your methodology was quantitative, make sure you describe any group assignment methods or any repeated measures (such as a pretest or post test). Evaluate whether the data-collection procedure was appropriate for the methodology and approach.

7. Describe the data-analysis procedure. You need only describe the procedure or the statistical tests (if your methodology was quantitative). Avoid quoting the article and use your own descriptions. Evaluate whether the data-analysis procedure was appropriate for the methodology and approach.

8. Describe the findings and the conclusions the researchers made. Evaluate whether the conclusions allowed the researchers to answer the research questions and address the research problem.

Reference no: EM1324841

Questions Cloud

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Scientific knowledge-contributions-methodology : Descrbe the methodology which is used in the article (qualitative or quantitative)?
Validity of turing test : Argue that the Turing Test is a strong and valid test for human-like intelligence in machines.
Turing test-imitation : Though, for something to be so original and imaginative, pristine from any form of imitation, it would be fully rare --so atypical that it would not be as helpful a construct in defining intelligence as imitation.
Does visualizing success improve performance in sports : Please expand your discussion and highlight other important theorists and theories where required.
Turing tests and consciousness : This finally brings me to the question of whether a few unconscious materials can be constructed altogether in a way to become the conscious Dr. Johnson.


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