Scientific american special edition

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522231

Please do not use anybody else's paper

Before you come to Seminar, conduct some research on your own and be sure you have read the article "Calorie Restriction and Aging," by Richard Weindruch. This reading is available in the library. Use the advanced search feature to locate the article in the Kaplan Library:

Weindruch, R. (2006). Calorie restriction and aging. Scientific American Special Edition16(4), 54-61.

The article discusses how people who eat a radically restricted diet might be able to prevent their bodies from aging as quickly as they otherwise would. As the article indicates, one of the organelles you have learned about this week, mitochondria, plays an important role in this process.

Additional cellular organelles are also implicated in influencing lifespan. To learn more, read the article "The fine line between lifespan extension and shortening in response to caloric restriction" by Kirk Szafranksi and Karim Mekhail. This reading is also available in the library.

Szafranski, K., & Mekhail, K. (2014). The fine line between lifespan extension and shortening in response to caloric restriction. Nucleus (Austin, Tex.), 5(1), 56-65.

  • Based on your research, how do these diets typically work? Would you be willing to try one? Why or why not?
  • The possible benefits of a radically restricted diet as described in the article.
  • Any possible problems with the research.
  • The drawbacks to maintaining such a restricted dietary intake.
  • If you were to try this diet, what foods might you eliminate and why?
  • The role mitochondria play in the cell, and what its role has to do with food.
  • The role that other cellular organelles may play in influencing lifespan.

Prepare an essay addressing the different questions listed above (in the synchronous Seminar section). The essay must be at least 400 words and written in your own words with citations, if appropriate.

Reference no: EM131522231

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Scientific american special edition : This reading is available in the library. Use the advanced search feature to locate the article in the Kaplan Library:
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Disorders that are a result of cellular dysfunction : The cell consists of numerous organelles and structures surrounded by the plasma membrane (e.g., lysosomes, mitochondria, etc.).
Explain the two classes of stock : Major League Apparel has two classes of stock authorized: 5%, $10 par preferred, and $1 par value common. The following transactions affect stockholders'.


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