Sciences appropriate to the discipline

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131686320

This week, through our work, we have examined the ways we use research to help solve problems, how we choose topics to write about, and how we use the work of others to help support our ideas. Additionally, we have begun to explore the following course outcomes: • Apply knowledge of the liberal arts and/or sciences appropriate to the discipline • Survey professional journals., magazines, books and other texts for topic source validity • Begin to recognize the key elements of a research paper In this reflection journal, in at least 150 words, reflect back on what you have learned so far through the course readings, assignment, and our discussion. Consider the following questions to guide your reflection: • What, if anything, did you find surprising, particularly challenging, interesting, or useful? • From what you know about this course so far, what connections can you make to previous learning experiences, and how do you think this course will help you as you move forward in your college and professional life? • How do the course outcomes for this week apply to your experience so far? • What questions do you still need answered?


Reference no: EM131686320

Questions Cloud

Hospitals officials tell you that the nurses are well paid : Hospitals officials tell you that the nurses are well paid, adding to your surprise about low morale.
What is intellectual property : What is intellectual property? What laws protect authors’ rights in the works they create?
Difference between primary and secondary stakeholders : Discuss the difference between primary and secondary stakeholders in the stakeholder interaction model and give examples for each type.
Maximizing firm human and social capital yield success : How does maximizing a firm's human and social capital yield success?
Sciences appropriate to the discipline : Apply knowledge of the liberal arts and/or sciences appropriate to the discipline
Contract that reflects valid enforceable agreement : Write a sample contract that reflects a valid enforceable agreement between you and Gerald for the sale of the 6 cases of the Hair Glow Shampoo
What the discussion is about, but feel free to branch off : The following topic(s) will demonstrate what the discussion is about, but feel free to branch off or expand on the topics.
Differentiate between a problem and a symptom : Did I define the problem adequately and as succinctly as possible? Did I differentiate between a problem and a symptom?
By owning parts of or all of the production process retailer : By owning parts of or all of the production process a retailer can reduce the markups that a less vertically integrated retailer must pay.


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