Reference no: EM132899552
Science Perspectives on global problem is the course.
1. When you signed up for this course, what were your expectations and goals for the course?
2. How would you describe your grocery shopping habits prior to taking this course?
3. How would you describe your grocery shopping habits after taking this course?
4. What aspect of your grocery shopping habits has changed most after to taking this course?
5. How has taking this course changed your perspective on grocery shopping?
6. How much thought/organization did you give to grocery shopping prior to completing this course?
7. What information surprised you most after completing this course?
8. As a result of completing this course, has your spending on groceries changed? If so, how?
9. What foods have you eliminated or reduced purchases of as a result of completing this course?
10. How much more/less attention will you give to food labels as a result of completing this course?
11. How much more/less attention will you give to food advertising as a result of completing this course?
12. What health goals do you now have as a result of completing this course?