School segregation has had particularly detrimental effect

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133419868

For each chapter, note one idea or concept or observation that you found thought-provoking. In your post, you should type the passage (cite the page number) briefly explain what you found interesting or challenging from the passage

Chapter 6:

"School segregation has had a particularly detrimental effect on racial equalization not only because of resources disparities, but also because for most of the century white schools generally offered a liberal art curriculum, whereas black schools usually provide only vocational training, resulting in the tracking of African Americans into inferior jobs, a fact which has lifelong consequences."

Chapter 7:

"While the goal of full and harmonious gender equality is still an elusive one over the ensuing century women have nonetheless achieved substantial gains - women's roles in society have been vastly recast and reimagined, right and opportunities have been greatly expanded, female labor force participation has tripled, many battles for safer and more equitable working conditions have been won, job categories previously closed to women have opened, and women have even surpassed men in education attainment and voting rates.".

Chapter 8:

"is that so many diverse indicators, though influenced by many idiosyncratic forces, show strong evidence of the basic inverted U-curve. This commonality strong suggest that the I-we-I curve traces a fundamental arc of social change in America over the last 125 years, an arc whose influence seeped into the most varied nooks and crannies of American life".

Chapter 9:

"We became measurable more equal, more willing to work together and compromise, more able to come up with innovative solutions to vexing problems, more concerned with a the common good".

Reference no: EM133419868

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