Schema for a customer sale database scenario

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13965831

Database schema for a customer sale database scenario:

customer(cust_id,cust_name) primary key(cust_id).

Item(item_id,item_name,price) primary key(item_id)

Sale(bill_no,bill_date,cust_id,item_id,qty_sold) primary key(bill_no),foreign key(cust_id),foreign key(item_id).

1) Create the tables with appropriate integrity constraints.Insert around 10 records in each of the tables.

2) List all the bills for the current date with the customer name and item_no.

3) List the total bill detail with the quantity sold,price of the item and final amount.

4) List the details of the customer who have brought a product which has a price>200.

5) Give a count of how many product have been brought by each customer.

6) Give a list of product brought by a customer having cust_id as 5.

7) List the item details which are sold as of today.

Reference no: EM13965831

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