SBM4103 Introduction to Programming Assignment

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132582528

SBM4103 Introduction to Programming - Asia Pacific International College

Assessment 1: Applied project

Assessment Details:
This assessment is designed to assess develop your skills in computer programming using Java. You are required to develop Java programs to find the solution of given problem. In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to learn problem analysis, algorithm design and how to map those algorithms into meaningful computer programs, which will help in achieving ULO1, ULO-2, ULO- 3, and ULO-4.
Write a Java program that works with N, where N is a positive integer (student's marks: Quiz(Q) test, Mid-Semester (MS), Applied Project (AP) and Final test (FT).)

Assessment 2: Applied Project-2

Assessment Details:

This assessment is designed to assess develop your skills in computer programming using Java. You are required to develop Java programs to find the solution of a given problem. In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to learn problem analysis, algorithm design and how to map those algorithms into meaningful computer programs, which will help in achieving ULO1, ULO- 2, ULO-3, ULO-4, ULO-5, and ULO-6.
The objective of this project is to develop a text-based version of the TowerDefence game. A simple TowerDefence game works as follows.
Given a map consisting of a two dimensional array of maplocations and an array of invaders, where each invader moves along a path, which is an one dimensional array of maplocations, over the map. The game consists of towers that can shoot at invaders to decrease their health. Towers cannot be placed on the same path as of the invader. That means there should not be any head-on collision. Towers are static, they cannot move. A tower can attack invader(s) that are within the tower's shooting range. A shot may be successful or unsuccessful i.e. each shot has some uncertainty involved in it. Each successful shot decreases the target invader's health by a given amount.
If an invader's health reaches to 0, it gets neutralized (deleted). If an invader manages to reach to the end of the path alive (health > 0), the player loses. If all the invaders are neutralized (all of their health becomes 0) before they can reach to the end of the path, the player wins.
As the outcome of your game, your program should produce the following statistics continuously:
• Invaders: their location on the map and health at that moment
• Towers: their location on the map and successful/unsuccessful shot ratio at that moment
• A report mentioning the challenges you faced while developing the game and the key concepts you learned.
A basic version of the game will be available in Canvas. Open the folder, start debugging the program from the file and try to understand the game logic.
Students are expected to build on this program by:
• adding different variants of invaders. For example, the basic version contains an invader that moves one step forward each time. How about an invader that moves faster than this basic version (FastInvader) or even an invader that has a shield for example, meaning each successful shot can reduce its health in a tiny amount (StrongInvader). Try to think and implement about other variants. Overall the expectation is to have 4 different types of invaders.
• Similarly, there can be different variants of the basic tower. Overall the expectation is to have 3 different variants of towers.
• Another important task is to add uncertainty in the shot of a tower. The basic version of the game does not contain it. Every shot of a tower is a successful one in the basic version; modify it so that there is some uncertainty - a shot can be unsuccessful at times as well.

Assessment 3: Laboratory Practicum

Assessment Details:
Practical exercises assess students' ability to apply theoretical learning to practical, real world situations on a bi-weekly basis. This assessment will improve student's ability to practically develop Java applications. Students will be given problems each week and will be required to develop algorithms and programs to achieve identified outcomes. The assessment requires students to analyse, design and develop programming solutions according to given specifications. Program codes will be designed, built, tested, debugged and documentation information will be submitted as per the lab specifications and requirements.

Students will not be assessed on work that produce in lab session so that attendance is required as part of this assessment. Students are required to submit the work that they have completed during the lab session. The details of the lab work and requirements are provided on the online learning system. The problems that need to be solved will be provided in the OLS throughout the trimester.

Note: Need Assessment : Applied project

Attachment:- Introduction to Programming.rar

Reference no: EM132582528

Questions Cloud

Nine major phyla described : There are nine major phyla described - Mollusca, Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Echinodermata
Differences between animal and bacteria virus multiplication : Discuss the similarities and differences between animal and bacteria virus multiplication.
Determine the amount that should be entered on net income : Prepare the company's closing entries. The owner, H. Brown, did not make any withdrawals this period. Determine the amount that should be entered on net income
Are these two genes found on the same chromosome : The phenotypic ratio for colour (red is dominant over white) and height (long-stemmed is dominant over short-stemmed) in rose plants is 9:3:3:1.
SBM4103 Introduction to Programming Assignment : SBM4103 Introduction to Programming Assignment Help and Solution, Asia Pacific International College - Assessment Writing Service
What is the probability of a ggttrrss genotype : Write the genotypes for all possible gametes from each parent in a cross between mother GgTtRrSs and father Ggttrrss.
What would you expect to happen to the action potential : 1.)What are proteins packaged in that allows them to become membrane bound, name an organelle where this addition takes place
Complete the work sheet by extending the account balances : Complete the work sheet by extending the account balances into the appropriate financial statement columns and by entering the amount of net income
What the investment in branch account shall be presented as : In the separate statement of financial position of the home office, the investment in branch account shall be presented as?Liability./Equity


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