Savingsaccount and bankaccount objects

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13167054

The only differences between SavingsAccount and BankAccount objects is that SavingsAccount have an interest rate and can compute interest when necessary. Add an instance variable and a method to SavingsAccount to allow for these items.

Now create a tester class to demonstrate that you can:
* Create a SavingsAccount object
* Withdraw from the SavingsAccount
* Deposit to the SavingsAccount
* Compute interest against the balance in the SavingsAccount
* Display the balance of the SavingsAccount

For full credit your SavingsAccount class MUST extend your BankAccount class. Additionally, no methods should be overridden.

Your Netbeans project will contain 3 classes: BankAccountTester (or whatever you choose to name it), BankAccount and SavingsAccount.

Reference no: EM13167054

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