Sample contract that reflects the principal-agency agreement

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132011840

PI operations and systems will be entirely computerized, and the PI owners want to begin the process to develop the IT systems to be in place prior to opening of the business. They have had several meetings with Teri Lang, an IT consultant whom they know from prior business dealings to be a skilled and trustworthy expert. Teri has agreed to develop and direct installation of an appropriate system for PI.

The owners want to give full authority to Teri to evaluate and purchase the best computer systems, associated hardware, and software programs for the business. The PI owners recognize Teri as the authority in this matter and want Teri to represent them as their agent in this process.

The PI owners are unfamiliar with agency agreements, and know they need to ensure that their agreement with Teri will be validly and properly written. Thus, they have asked BCA to create a contract to reflect their agreement with Teri, so that Teri can begin the process of developing an IT system immediately.

Instructions: As you continue to be actively involved with the PI project, Pat and Gale direct you to draft an agency contract for PI.

The contract should represent the agreement between the PI owners and Teri Lang defining the agency relationship and Teri's authority as agent.

Write a sample contract that reflects the principal-agency agreement between the PI owners and Teri Lang. The contract should be valid and enforceable, and include ONLY the following terms:

express purpose(s) of the agency agreement
specific authority granted to Teri under the agreement
time frame for the agency relationship/agreement
amount of pay for Teri''s work and how often pay will be distributed to Teri
how the agreement will be terminated
any additional terms relevant and essential to the agreement

The sample contract should be simple, clear, direct, and not overly complex.

DO not use a sample form contract from the internet; it will not comply with the instructions and facts for this activity, and will not meet the requirements for this learning activity.

Verified Expert

The report is an agreement between Teri (agent) and PI (principal) for installation of system. The Agreement is approved by BCA and Teri has to finish the work in 6 months. The paper is prepare for 360 words and references are in APA style. Font: Times New Roman, 1.5 points, References, in-text citation and title page provided.

Reference no: EM132011840

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6/8/2018 1:04:14 AM

Adheres to Instructions 0.5 points Fully follows instructions, attempts all required parts of learning activity. .45 - .50 0.4 points Follows most, but not all, instructions, and/or attempts most, but not all, required parts of learning activity. .40 - .445 0.35 points Fails to follow approximately half of instructions, and/or fails to attempt approximately half of required parts of learning activity. .35 - .395 0.3 points Fails to follow most or all instructions, and/or fails to attempt most or all required parts of learning activity; OR fails to submit learning activity. 0 - .30


6/8/2018 1:04:09 AM

APA Usage 1 point Posts contain the appropriate number of APA in-text citations and reference list matches; no errors are present. .90 - 1.0 0.8 points Attempts in-text citations and reference list but errors in formatting exist; paraphrasing is not accurate or in-text citations are not used frequently enough. .80 - .89 0.7 points Attempts in-text citations or reference list but omits one or the other. In-text citations seldom used where warranted. .70 - .79 0 points No evidence of APA used. 0


6/8/2018 1:04:04 AM

Writing Clarity & Mechanics 0.5 points Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical & spelling errors. .45 - .50 0.4 points Contributes valuable information to discussion with minor clarity and mechanics errors. .40 - .445 0.35 points Communicates in friendly & courteous manner but with substantial errors in clarity and/or mechanics. .35 - .395 0 points Little to no evidence of proofreading or attempt at applying conventional writing mechanics. 0


6/8/2018 1:03:59 AM

2.1 points Demonstrates some to minimal evidence of critical analysis, and evidence of having read course materials and understanding of concepts; analysis is superficial in one/more areas and sufficient only to complete learning activity with little or no evidence of depth of understanding and/or support for conclusions. 2.1 - 2.37 1.8 points Does not meet minimal requirements for assignment; inferior in most or all areas OR submits no assignment. 0 - 1.8


6/8/2018 1:03:52 AM

Learning Activity Analysis 3 points Demonstrates critical analysis, depth of analysis, comprehensive development of concepts, issues, and their application to facts; shows evidence of having read course materials and understanding of concepts. 2.7 - 3.0 2.4 points Demonstrates generally superior critical analysis, and evidence of having read course materials and understanding of concepts, but some additional development and more comprehensive discussion of the assigned materials, concepts, issues, and their application to facts is needed. 2.4 - 2.67

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