Safety and quality of care delivered to patients

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133630346


The basic idea of concept #2, Non-maleficence, is that healthcare providers should do no harm to patients, either intentionally or unintentionally.

They should always try to prevent harm and work towards the best outcomes for their patients.

This ethical concept is important in guiding healthcare decision-making to improve the safety and quality of care delivered to patients.

In practice, non-maleficence means healthcare providers should consider the risks and benefits of any intervention they provide and make sure that the benefits outweigh the potential risks, such as side effects or complications.

Example: A healthcare professional should avoid prescribing medication that could cause severe negative side effects and danger to a patient's life or avoid performing any surgical procedure that is not necessary or poses any kind of threat to the patient.

Reference no: EM133630346

Questions Cloud

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