Safe medication management in the acute care setting

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Reference no: EM132629697 , Length: word count:1500

Assessment - Safe Medication Management in the Acute Care Setting

Safe medication management is essential for the provision of safe and quality healthcare, the Registered Nurse has an integral role in maintaining patient safety and decreasing the risk of medication-related harm when planning assessment and care of a person-centred care to a person experiencing acute health issues (Kavanagh, 2017).

Task Description
Demonstrate how evidence-based practice supports the Registered Nurse to maintain safe medication management:
1. When preparing for and during medication administration
2. When monitoring for response
3. During transitions of care
AND Examine the role of a Registered Nurse in the promotion of medication safety and the impact of nursing skill and knowledge on mitigating the risk for medication errors.

It is expected that your submission will:
• Demonstrate how the concept of safety applies to safe medication management at key points during the patient journey and the role of evidence-based practice within the acute care setting.
• Examine the role of a Registered Nurse in the promotion of medication safety and mitigation of risk for medication error.

Word Limit
When discussing the points above you must adhere to the word limit of the assessment and it is recommended that each individual response will not exceed 400 words.

Referencing style: APA 7th Edition

Attachment:- Safe Medication Management in the Acute Care Setting.rar

Reference no: EM132629697

Questions Cloud

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What are some important teachings you would give the client : What are some important teachings you would give this client when administering the first dose? When following up with the client 2 months later.
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Safe medication management in the acute care setting : Safe Medication Management in the Acute Care Setting - Examine the role of a Registered Nurse in the promotion of medication safety and the impact of nursing
Define the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes : Consider how changes in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes might impact the patient's recommended drug therapy.
Calculate the efficiency and the utilization of system : The staff training centre at a large regional hospital provides training sessions in CPR to all employees. Assume that the capacity of this training system was
New medium-sized health care facility : A new medium-sized health care facility just opened and you are hired as the CIO.
Importance of ethics in business : Watch the "Importance of Ethics in Business" video by Frank Bucaro. How does Mr. Bucaro's prescriptions


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