Run the attached project.

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13934947

Using the following table test the application of the attached Visual Basic program

Quantity Price (sales in $ per unit) Variable Expenses per unit Fixed Expenses

300 $300 $125 $34,000

300 $300 $125 $1,000

0 $200 $100 $40,000

500 $0 $20 $22,000

200 $150 $0 $20,000

500 $200 $175 $35,000

1. Run the attached project. Use the first and second rows of test data in the above table to test the application. The second

set of data results in a run time error.

2. Return to design mode and open the code window for the form 1 form. Set Option Strict On for the form. Several Syntax

errors result from setting Option Strict to On. Open the task list to view the errors resulting from setting Option Strict to On.

3. Declare all necessary variables and perform the necessary data conversions in the code to perform the calculations properly

without Syntax errors.

4. Correct the run-time error that results from the data in row 2 of the above table. Do not modify the range of the

NumericUpDown controls to fix the error. Rather, use the proper data types in the code and perform the necessary data

conversions to handle the numeric data properly.

5. Format all output to the Textbox controls to currency where currency values are used. Ratios are not currency values.

See attached file for full problem description.


Reference no: EM13934947

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