Reference no: EM131901225
Topic: R coding in R Studio
Question: Please analyze the following 2 datasets "EuStockMarkets" & "mtcars", found in R.
1. Run descriptive analytics & submit only the R script /code (.R file named using your last name).
2. Where relevant, add comments in the code when you find something interesting -such as a plot which shows directionality or correlation.
3. Create plots, comment where needed.
4. Use psych package to plot scatter.hist(x,y) (where x and y are variable names).
5. Comment on the distribution of the variables - normal /uniform / exponential /poisson?
Go beyond what was demonstrated /discussed in class and explore new functions /syntax in R apply it in the analysis.
Make a brief note (one to three lines of comments) as conclusion at the end of your analytics for each data set. - Remember as a manager /leader, your objective through Analytics is to gain INSIGHTS & make high quality decisions.
Submit ONE .R file containing script / code & comments for both datasets combined.