Rum manufacturing industry in barbados

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Reference no: EM132665754 , Length: word count:14000

Question: The project title/focus is "The Importance of resilient supply chains for the successful business operations within the rum manufacturing industry in Barbados"

Project - The Importance of resilient supply chains for the successful business operations within the rum manufacturing industry in Barbados.

This has a "guide" for how the headings or format should go.

Chapter 1

Aim & Objectives of Dissertation
Background and Description of the rum manufacturing industry in Barbados
Brief overview of the rum industry in Barbados
Barbados' outbound and inbound supply chain process (Export and import trade)

Chapter 2
Resilient supply chains explained
The effects of supply chain resilience on supply chain performance
Defining supply chain resilience (SCRES)
1) Supply chain agility
2) Supply chain collaboration
3) Creating redundancy
4) Creating flexibility
Supply chain robustness
Supply chain vulnerabilities
1) Supply chain vulnerabilities in Barbados

chapter 3 - literature review

Concepts related to supply chain resilience
1) supply chain risk management
2) categorise supply chain risk
3) what is a supply chain
4) the importance of supply chains as it relates to successful businessoperations
5) the relationship between supply chain management and supply chain resilience (SCRES)

Supply chain resilience strategies (SCRES)
1) Relationship management strategies
2) Supply management strategies
3) Demand management strategies
4) Product management strategies
5) Financial management strategies

Outcomes of implementing supply chain resilience strategies
1) Better collaboration with suppliers
2) Maintaining strategic stock levels
3) Local sourcing
4) Using exclusive sourcing
5) Credit management
6) Quality management
7) Procurement management

Vulnerabilities of the modern supply chain

research gaps

change models

Chapter 4 research methods
1) Key research objectives
2) research approach
3) research ethics
4) interviews
5) surveys

chapter 5 analysis of research

data analysis - data can be found in the excel file

Key messages
Analysis from interviews with individuals
Key findings

chapter 6conclusions and recommendations
1) introduction
2) conclusions
3) recommendation
4) summary

Word Count: 14000

Reference no: EM132665754

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