RSA encryption scheme

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132859480

Assignment 1: Cryptography

Question 1: Security professionals need to ensure that they keep up to date with the latest threats and security issues. This allows them to update their risk profiles, such as identifying if their systems are vulnerable. In order to determine what the risk to an organisation is, you need to know what the problems could be.

In this assignment, your task is to identify a recently announced security vulnerability and write a profile of the threat. The profile should contain:

1. Name of the threat,
2. Systems it attacks,
3. How it performs its attack,
4. Mitigation strategies,
5. Discuss on the scope of the threat in terms of who could be exploiting this vulnerability (cyber criminals or state nations)
6. Concluding reflection (100 words) on the adequacy of the mitigation strategies.

Your report should be maximum 2 pages and should contain relevant tables, calculations, a ranked list of threats (in terms of impact) and conclusions.

Scoring Q1:





Systems it attacks


Appropriately highlight which systems it attacks and does the attack targets operating systems or applications or is it multilevel. Reports that go outside the bounds will lose marks

from this category.

How it performs its attack


Complete strategy of the attack to exploit the vulnerability should be given.

Mitigation strategies


Reports should cover the mitigation strategies (technical,

policy, training etc.) of the profile

Scope of the threat


Discuss on the scope of the threat in terms of who could be exploiting this vulnerability (cyber criminals or state nations)

Concluding reflection


Reflection should be your views and should be clearly articulated



Subtotal for content


Spelling             and grammar


The presentation's content is appropriately written in English,

with no spelling errors and grammar issues.

Presentation                         and style


The report is well presented, with diagrams, headings, tables and other visual aids.



The report contains appropriate references and referencing




Subtotal for presentation




Question 2: You are required to learn the GPG/PGP package using Linux Kali environment (learning the applications of private and public key cryptography to secure email messages and documents) to be able to answer the following questions. You should pair up with one of your class fellows to do this lab, record results, and give commentary on the results.

If you do not have a class fellow, then create two user accounts and you can encrypt using one account and descript using other account. You should use screen shots from your experiments to support your responses.

a) Generate keys of 4 different sizes for the RSA encryption scheme and include these keys in the report. Provide a table showing key size and the key generation time. Describe the variation in key generation time and explain its cause.
b) Encrypt a file (text or binary) using one key and display a portion of the encrypted file using the "hexdump -Cv filename" command. Explain the commands used and include a screenshot of a portion of the encrypted data.
c) Create a file of 1 GB containing random data. Encrypt and decrypt it using one key and note the time taken. Comment on the reason why this much time is taken. Show the command used to create the file of random data.
d) Export your public key and discuss the reason why your exported key is in an ASCII format.
e) Encrypt a file containing ASCII text and display the cyphertext using the "hexdump -Cv filename"
f) You should work with your class fellow/or create two accounts to do this experiment and record your observation in the form of commands used and include screenshots of the results that were obtained.
I. Exchange your public key and your friend's public key using email.
II. Import your friend's public key into your key ring.
III. Encrypt a file using your friend's public key and send the encrypted file to your friend.
IV. Ask your friend to decrypt the encrypted file.
V. You can ask your friend to do the same thing.
g) Write a reflection report in 100 words about the role cryptography is playing in ensuring individual privacy in banking websites.

Attachment:- Cryptography.rar

Reference no: EM132859480

Questions Cloud

What extent are research models and tools : Using academic references, examples and current events, to what extent are research models and tools such as PESTLE and Porters 5 Forces ineffective in the face
Can a schizophrenic have decent quality of life : What safeguards would you insist on? How would you be able to help and support your relative? Can a schizophrenic have decent quality of life?
Describe how international firms manage control function : Describe how international firms manage control function.
Experienced the phenomena of channel conflict : Select a business or industry that has experienced the phenomena of channel conflict as a result of new e-commerce initiatives.
RSA encryption scheme : Generate keys of 4 different sizes for the RSA encryption scheme and include these keys in the report. Provide a table showing key size and the key generation
Define the problem emotionally and intellectually : Define the problem emotionally and intellectually. Apply the ethical principles of beneficence, autonomy, nonmaleficence, loyalty and justice
What are observational studies and explain refusals : What are observational studies and explain Refusals, Non-adherers, and Dropouts with examples?
Use in conjunction with the information : Recommend a suitable developing strategy (packaged software, in-house development, outsourced, combination thereof) for 340 Auto and motivate your recommendatio
How the clients will implement the interventions : Explain how, specifically, you will set the tone throughout your work with the client to reduce the hierarchical relationship and make it more collaborative.


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