Round of prescription medications

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133575062


Cara has discovered that due to a time crunch, her boss has let the latest round of prescription medications be sent to pharmacies without the final check. She claims that there has never been an issue with this particular drug in the past and if patients weren't able to get their medications on time, the story would definitely be in the newspaper. Her boss is willing to take the risk. After all what could possibly go wrong? What do you think Cara should do? Report her boss for an ethical violation. Agree with her boss and do nothing. Agree with her boss, but document her objections, just in case. Report her boss to the newspaper. Disagree with her boss and ask HR to reassign her.

Reference no: EM133575062

Questions Cloud

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Primary difference between economic value and social : Consider the primary difference between economic value and social or shared value creation frameworks.
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Round of prescription medications : Cara has discovered that due to a time crunch, her boss has let the latest round of prescription medications be sent to pharmacies without the final check.
Hether person is independent contractor : Hether a person is an independent contractor or an employee depends on what he or she does, not on how the relationship is characterized by the parties
Business owner of the haunted witch trials : What are some of the steps, as a business owner of The Haunted Witch Trials, What kinds of additional costs may be associated with those choices?
Contrast the concepts of equity with social adequacy : Contrast the concepts of equity with social adequacy. Justify the preference for equity over social adequacy in elements of the Social Security Act.
What kinds of products and services : Look around your classroom and think more broadly about your school. For what kinds of products and services would the school would be a customer?


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