Romeo has been charged with aggravated battery

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Reference no: EM133631244


Juliet was driving Romeo home when she swerved in front of a car driven by Paris. Paris swerved to avoid a crash with Juliet but was very angry and started to follow Juliet on the roadway, yelling profanities out of his window. At an intersection with a stop sign, Paris, who was 6 feet, 3 inches and 260 pounds, jumped out of his car, approached Juliet's car and dragged her from behind the steering wheel. Paris starting kicking Juliet, who was an average-size woman. Romeo, who was 5 feet, 2 inches and 130 pounds, jumped out of Juliet's car to help her and yelled at Paris to stop. When Paris would not stop, Romeo pulled a pistol out of his coat pocket and fired a warning shot in the air, telling Paris he would shoot him if Paris did not stop. Paris stopped kicking Juliet and started coming toward Romeo and Romeo shot him in the arm.

Romeo has been charged with aggravated battery. Does Romeo have a defense?

Reference no: EM133631244

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