Roles of is in business in supporting strategies

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13866061 , Length: 3

Using books, the library, peer-reviewed journals and/or the Internet, research the topic of your choice selected from the list below.

Write a 3 page report, including at least two references (at least one reference should be a peer-reviewed journal article from a University/ College online library). Course textbook and/or course notes will not count toward the minimum required references.

Use appropriate APA formatting guidelines.

Topic choices:
• Data or information processing
• E-business
• Information system activities
• Information system model
• Knowledge workers
• Roles of IS in business in supporting strategies for competitive advantage
• Agile company
• Business process reengineering
• Knowledge creating company
• Leverage investment in IT
• Value chain
• Virtual company
• Central processing unit
• Graphical user interface
• Information appliance
• Moore's law
• Network computer
• Network server
• Network terminal
• RFID (radio frequency identification)
• Speech recognition
• Storage area network (SAN)

The report should address 3 or more of the following concepts:

1. Definition of the concept/system/process;

2. What components the concept/system/process has;

3. What functions the concept/system/process has;

4. Applications and use contexts associated with the concept/system/process

5. Advantages of the concept/system/process;

6. Negative aspects of the concept/system/process;

7. How the concept/system/process is different than similar others;

8. How the concept/system/process is related with other systems/concepts;

9. Any other aspect that is relevant to and appropriate for the topic.

Reference no: EM13866061

Questions Cloud

When an organization wish to use control limits : Under what kinds of circumstances might an organization wish to use control limits of 2 standard deviations or even 1 standard deviation?
What is probability that a repair time exceeds two hours : What is the probability that a repair time exceeds 2 hours? What is the conditional probability that a repair takes at least 3 hours, given that its duration exceeds 2 hours?
How this reimbursement model has positively influenced : Examine how this reimbursement model has positively influenced the overall health care system and Identify how this reimbursement model evolved as a solid and crucial part of the health care system
Define emotion delay the negotiation process : Does emotion delay the negotiation process
Roles of is in business in supporting strategies : What components the concept/system/process has and what functions the concept/system/process has - How the concept/system/process is different than similar others.
Develop your distribution strategy for the product : Develop your distribution strategy for the product. What retail outlets will sell your new product? How will you manage your supply chain? Develop your pricing and promotional strategy. How will it focus on your target market
Health management information systems and the minuteclinic : Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) and the MinuteClinic
Deduct the full amount of the loss : Richard owns and manages an apartment building. This is Richard’s only passive activity. The building generated a loss of $31,000 for the current year. Before deduction of the loss, Richard’s AGI was $85,000. Can Richard deduct the entire loss in the..
Theory of bureaucratic behavior : Discuss how banks make money, and are structured in respect to Asset, Liability and Capital Management - give examples.


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