Roles of enterprise resource planning

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133141329


Examine the roles of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in business. Determine how each system can play a critical role in managing value chains.

How does LaRosa's Pizzeria use this technology in order to improve the supply chain and value chain operations? Determine the ways this technology has helped to deliver quality to the customer. Assess the challenges that LaRosa's Pizzeria might face when trying to implement these types of technologies.


Coach knows that picking the right players to work together can transform a football or racing team into champions. Finding the right players for your OWN team can help you reach success! However, how do you go about finding and selecting these crucial players, and how do you decide what roles they should play? This week, Coach shares his tips for scouting new talent for ANY team, plus the tools he uses to evaluate a team member's potential. Imagine you're looking for new team members to join your team (this could be a work, volunteer, or religious organization). After reviewing Coach's tips for hiring the best players for your team, which ones would you use to help find the right candidates? Why?

Reference no: EM133141329

Questions Cloud

Is article made by public or private entity : Is the article made by a public or private entity? Are they playing more to one specific ideology and if so, what ideology is it?
Describe contemporary challenge : Describe the contemporary challenge. You have learned about various theories of leadership such as transformational, servant or transactional leadership.
Describe risk response strategies for threats : Describe risk response strategies for threats to your project and support your recommendations.
Design promotion strategy for new draft beers : Design a promotion strategy for the new draft beers. Include how the restaurant owner should advertise and what message she/he should convey.
Roles of enterprise resource planning : Examine the roles of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in business.
Company financial performance at company annual meeting : Imagine your manager has asked you to help with a presentation on the company's financial performance at the company's annual meeting.
Diversity and inclusion role in organizational innovation : Explanation of how the company will be designed and structured to be innovative. Diversity and inclusion's role in organizational innovation.
Definition of resilience : Definition of resilience. Explanation of a situation that demonstrates your resilience. How you believe you have become resilient.
Create more diverse and inclusive team environment : Your reasoning for your discussion points and how you think conversation will help resolve the conflict and create a more diverse and inclusive team environment


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