Role of the practitioner-researcher in business organisation

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Reference no: EM131034224 , Length: word count:1000

Part -1:

Shared Activities

The Value of Management Research for Decision-Making

Think about the last major organisational decision you made on your own or as part of a team. How was the decision made? Did you, or your team, make a decision about what seemed right given the specific situation and your professional experience, or did you conduct research to inform your decision? Sometimes it is difficult to incorporate research in all decision-making processes due to constraints, such as lack of time, funding and people available to help. However, when feasible, evidence-based decisions can provide a more solid foundation for organisational decisions.

In this Shared Activity, you will analyse the role of the practitioner-researcher in business organisations by comparing three management research studies included in this unit. These examples demonstrate the value of management research and its practical application. You will also compare how each example could inform management decision-making, and in the second week of Unit 1, you will extend your discussion by sharing ideas on how to begin identifying research topics and resources you can review to assist you in selecting a research topic. You can start by considering research topics that are directly related to your current role within an organisation or a new role that you are interested in undertaking.

To prepare for this Shared Activity:

- Reflect on the management research literature you have read throughout your programme and its potential value for informing management practice.

- Read the assigned readings and management research examples.

- Consider how each example provides findings or results that could inform management decision-making.

To complete this Shared Activity:

- write a comparison of how the three examples of management research provided could each inform management decision-making.

- How are the three examples similar or different in their approach to the problem studied?

- How could a manager use the findings and conclusions presented in each example?

Would a manager find the studies of equal value, or would differences in research approach lead to differences in a study's value for informing management decision-making?

Part -2:

Research Topic Brainstorming

Once you have spent some time discussing the value of different kinds of management research in Shared Activity 1, turn your attention to brainstorming your own research topics. Use this Shared Activity to give and receive feedback on research topics that you and your colleagues may pursue for your Management Research Project. This Shared Activity will help you prepare for your Individual Assignment in Unit 2, in which you will submit your chosen research topic for approval by your Faculty Member.

To prepare for this Shared Activity:

- Identify management journals, databases and other sources of reports and data that could help you identify research topics. In addition to the websites provided in the Learning Resources, try to identify governmental or professional association sources of reports and data that may be relevant to research topics that you and your colleagues may pursue.

To complete this Shared Activity:

- write 3-4 management research topics and scenarios that interest you.

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The present solution "Management Activity" has been prepared in Microsoft Word document. The solution contains more than 1000 words, Times New Roman 12 font and double spaced structure and has been prepared in 4 page. All the information contained in the solution are free from plagiarism and has been collected from peer-reviewed sources. Reference to the literature has been provided in the end section. The solution was prepared based on the instructions and rubrics provided.

Reference no: EM131034224

Questions Cloud

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Find the final mixture pressure : Determine (a) the final mixture temperature and (b) the final mixture pressure.
Caveat emptor as commonly applied in business law : What is your understanding of the doctrine of "Caveat Emptor" as commonly applied in business law
The law also states that there are several defenses : The law also states that there are several defenses used to defend intentional torts and reduce liability. Outline at least four of these defenses.
Role of the practitioner-researcher in business organisation : Write a comparison of how the three examples of management research provided could each inform management decision-making and how are the three examples similar or different in their approach to the problem studied?
Tort law has become an interesting discipline : Tort law has become an interesting discipline for many scholar in the institutions of learning. What do yo understand by the term "Tort"?
The mixture pressure after equilibrium has been established : the mixture temperature and (b) the mixture pressure after equilibrium has been established. Assume constant specific heats at room temperature for both gases.
Create a job description for a common position : Using the sample job description for a medical assistant linked here, create a job description for a common position that would need to be filled at a long-term care facility for elderly people.
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