Role of the parent of this child

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132924949

For the project, students will select a vignette detailing a child with a psychological disorder, learning disability, or behavioral problem. The student will take on the role of the parent of this child.

Each student will be responsible for researching the child's disability as well as contacting agencies in the community about support groups and other resources. The child in the vignette may range from a small child who was recently diagnosed with autism to an adolescent diagnosed with depression. The final paper will include details about who was contacted, information obtained from these resources, and what the student learned while completing the project. Students may choose one of the vignettes below.

a. A four-year -old who was recently diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum.

b. A ten-year-old who has ADHD.

c. A sixteen-year-old who has been diagnosed with depression.

d. An eight-year-old who was diagnosed with dyslexia.

e. A six-year-old who is being evaluated for Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

f. A thirteen-year-old who suffers from anxiety. Please choose from one of the following vignettes and write on it

Reference no: EM132924949

Questions Cloud

Are tools to help identify the gaps in care : Are there tools to help identify these gaps in care? If you could develop a screening tool to address a barrier to healthcare, what would it look like?
What are the challenges of registers and registries : Identify 3-5 benefits associated with registers and registries. What are the challenges of registers and registries? Which indexes you would use and why
What have learned and apply to real life healthcare : Where do you see yourself in ten years? How will you use what you have learned and apply it to real life healthcare situations.?
Was jessica legally required to stop and provide aid : Would Jessica have been covered by the Good Samaritan law if Christopher had not started breathing when she moved his head and he had suffered?
Role of the parent of this child : Select a vignette detailing a child with a psychological disorder, learning disability, or behavioral problem. The student will take on the role of the parent
Should mary give ida medical chart to dr jerome : Should Mary give Ida's medical chart to Dr. Jerome? Why or why not? What should Mary do if Dr. Jerome continues to insist on seeing Ida's chart?
Whs legislation in relation to risk management : Discuss the purpose of risk management standards and Explain the purpose of risk management policies and procedures in the workplace
Why would your position be superior to the contrary one : Why would your position be superior to the contrary one, stating the advantages and disadvantages of both
Explain what cultural competency skills would want counselor : Explain What cultural competency skills would you want the counselor to be familiar with and what would you want them to know about you?


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