Reference no: EM13940670
What is the role of the government in the professional sports industry? What should its role be?
Australia has been long considered as a sporting nation. Its performance compared with world best countries in the elite sport competitions. Australian government plays a very important role in the professional sport industry regarding anti-doping polices in Australia, which the use of drugs are forbidden in law and it affect athlete's performance. How problem with gambling can effects amongst Australian families, which laws are implement in Australian sporting industry to protect them legally. Last and most important is providing Funds to Sporting Industry to achieve overall aims, interest and means, and to accomplish successfully, with guidance and ability to lead in sporting industry.
As essentially sporting industry connected with a set of reasons for anti-doping legislation is that doping damages the public image of sports and that why it has a major effect for the sporting industry. In 2011, a representative sample of the Australian public (2520 people) responded telephone survey with questions on performance enhancing and the use of drugs are forbidden in law. The result shows that the Australian public support to anti-doping measure the power to become more found and distributed over a large area or number of people. The survey also shows that Australian public strong in favour of anti-doping standards. As anti-doping power becomes distributed among large number of people and public support will be required to maintain it. Well the majority agreed that clubs should be penalized if athletes were found to use drugs.
Ideas was split on the issue of weather performance enhancing drug use should be turn into a criminal by making their activities illegalSecond important role of Australian government in sporting industry is, department of social services recently they changes the law, regarding problem with the gambling. There are few laws are mention below are, the function of national gambling regulator, the daily limit to withdrawal form ATMs. The dynamic warning a clause in a legal instrument. The matter to the productivity commission for review officially.
Gambling activity in Australia has grown very fast during the twenty. The survey shows that Australian generated about $18.4 billion of worth of gambling losses in the past year. We were also ranked sixth in the world in term of overall gambling losses. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that the money spends on legally gambling nearly $20 billion each year. Gradually increases of spending money on gambling is because each state and territory at least one legally operating casino. Increases of poker machines in pubs and clubs, also new technology maximise gambling opportunities for people betting with phones and using internet.
Problem with gambling impact all a lot Australian families, at least three quarter of people have serious problem with poker machines n the last most important role in sporting industry is funding. The Australian sports commission (ASC) is Australian Government agency is responsible for distributing funds to Sporting Industry to achieve overall aims, interest and means, and to accomplish successfully, with guidance and ability to lead in sporting industry. Australia has a traditional participation in sport industry and taking sport very seriously. Australian support followers use their sport experience to build a personal and national identity. The heavy investment has been invested to build up a sporting infrastructure. The Commonwealth Government has taken a leading role in developing the Australian sport system. The funding maintains the sport and promotes industry for projects, facilities and events. Funding from national sporting organisations is to assist athletes with travel expenses and with coaching and sport management as well. The Australian sports commission offers a lot of opportunities for individuals or sporting organisation to receive funds.
There are number of organisation also working within Australia to raise money for Australian sport. The Australian sport foundation work with sports clubs, large and small organisation from all over Australia. That will help to improve the health of our nation, build our communities stronger our national supporting identity.
In the conclusion, Australians have invested a huge amount of emotional and physical contribution in their sporting systems. It is a part of Australian way of life. It builds communities, teaches life skills, for example, how we perform as teamwork, leadership and encourages a healthy lifestyle, Secondly public strong in favour of anti-doping standards, and if any athletes using drugs should be penalized. Moreover Australian government also have great intention towards gambling industry, to help and protect them from financial problems, loss of a job, mental health and loss of control which can affect our family harm. Lastly if we want to help, protect and save the future of our communities and stronger our national sporting identity, need to donate to Australian Sport today.